Thursday, March 01, 2007


Here's a two great links on classical conditioning:
1. Thanks to David in 4th period to sending the link for Jim conditioning Dwight in The Office:

2. Here's a link that allows you to conduct your own Pavlovian experiment:

Please post your results/thoughts about both of these links.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jordan Teach, 4A.

I got a diploma on that game based on Pavlov's experiment and for that video I thought it was pretty amusing. People really can easily become manipulated.

11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought you said it was hard to get the dog conditioned to salivate at the sound of the drum?

i got a diploma for each noise, seems like it would work, but probably not after just 3 trials.

1:33 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Pavlov would be proud. Can I call you Dr. Baker now?

SPEAK UP IN CLASS MORE!! YOU'RE TOO QUIET! I want to hear what you have to say.

7:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a diploma when i played the game about Pavlov's experient. And the video was interesting, in that people really do/can become conditioned like that.

9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I got a Diploma on the Pavlov was pretty fun i played it a couple times...haha.

That office clip is great, it's funny how when he's asked why he was holding out his hand and he didn't know what he was doing. That look on his face and then when he gets the bad taste in his mouth....oh man. hilarious.

9:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ oohh that was my comment by the way....

9:51 PM

Blogger Monsieur Daniel said...

lol that was a pretty good classical conditioning move in the office...I gotta start watching that show more often.

11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

john veenhuizen in per 3b

so I got the diploma but why were you able to offer the dog a bannana? is that a common treat for dogs?

also I watched the clip haha that was awesome. I liked how dwight didnt even relize he had his hand out.

3:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


The bannanas are just a treat. That simple. I don't think dogs normally eat them.

Later Shrute.

4:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juliean Bice, 3B.

I played Pavlov's game an got the diploma. i used the horn.
And the video is very funny, i wanna find Chris D an say CAN to see what he does.

6:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that office, Jim is so smart, he always thinks of the best pranks!!
..and I played the game and tried it with bananas and he didnt eat them, then I tried again with meat and got a diploma!

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally conditioned him with the horn and meat :D GO ME!!!!! I got a diploma and everything! The clip from the office was really funny also. -Domstrand

9:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Waldo 4A

I conditioned the dog with the drum and ham it was entertaining haha and the videoalso gave me a good laugh

10:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hhahaha i loved the video... props to david!

i got a diploma when i played Pavlov's game..i used the drum and the ham meat thing... i kinda felt bad for waking the dog up when it was sleeping... i would hate that if someone did that to me hahhaah

10:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got a diploma. i used the bell and gave the dog sausages and ham. i thought it was pretty cool. i think its amazing that we can condition people and animals like that. my volume on my computer isnt working but i watched the clip
vicky 3b

6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty easy to condition the dog to salivate at the different sounds, I got the certificates. The office clip was funny.

-Erika Whitelock 3B

7:44 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Nice job with the conditioning Vicky and Erica. Get your sleep because tomrrow's class is going to be action packed!

8:14 PM

Blogger Zach said...

That was Pretty funny!


12:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristina Hval

i didnt get a diploma. i thought i was doing it right but obvioulsy not.

2:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAAAYYY. my dog got his diploma!
annnnddd that was a good clip.

6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha wow that youtube clip was hilarious. And yeah I got a diploma. But in class you said it would be hard, it took me like 3 times to make the sound and give them food and then the dog went nuts.

Thanks for the links, it was funnn! See you tomorrow

11:49 AM

Blogger Yasha-san_08 said...

1. That was so funny, I needed that, I had to do the dishes just now!

2. The dog I had would only responed to the bell nothing else, but I got the diploma after the four try with the two meats.

4:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berger, 3b

I got a diploma the first try with the horn, and then i did it again even faster with the drum. I'm looking forward to the debate tomorrow.

9:22 PM


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