Monday, October 08, 2007


Here's a great link to explore on memory:

Remember to post your comments about this link to receive participation points.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checked out the "memory website"
Interesting--especially the story about the artist who did paintings of his childhood home. The sheep brain was also pretty neat.

4:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's really odd. The sheep brain thing almost made me lose what little lunch I could get. lol But the Nagasaki file was very disturbing. In fact, we watched a history channel special on the Atom Bomb, and the deaths:scientist ratio is staggering. 100 to 200 deaths per scientist. The memory thing about the upper half of the face did make some sense. Alot of people have the same jaw shape and such, but the top of the face... A very interesting site all around. And very informative, as well.

5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I clicked on the "if you were going to rob a bank" link. I found it pretty odd that in the picture of the track team, everyone had the same face. At a first glance they all looked different to me because of their differne hair styles, and I didn't recognize they all had the face.

9:09 PM

Blogger Josh Luitjens said...

I think I'm going to rob a bank now after seeing that page.

All I need is a wig !

10:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the "If you want to rob a bank" thing was interesting. Its weird how much a difference hair makes when trying to recognize people. The one picture of the track team was kinda creepy because at first they all looked the same but when you look even more its all the same guys.

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Alexander 4A

I liked the common cents and the droodles. It shows how we dont remember the details of things that much. Also the if you were going to rob a bank thing is interesting...I never thought you would recognize people by their hair more than their face.

5:40 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I like the comments so far. Keep 'em coming! Great observations on the website. I have a great link about police line-ups for next week.

6:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh!! the brain looks sooo gross! and i cant believe that our brain looks like that, im sorry but i had never seen a picture of it that close so it kind of freaked me out... and when they cut the sheep brain in half? ewwww!
and about the memory artist Franko magnani.... he was pretty good, his drawings were pretty close to the original pictures that they showed... i was really impressed. He even showed the windows at the exact same place and the doors and all that... pretty cool ;)
and the pictures from the nagasaki journey were pretty disturbing... it made me sad.... ;(
ok well i have a bad memory... i played that one game that we played in class... writting down as many things as i could remember... hahahaha not good lol...

~sandra rivera~
Psychology 4A

12:41 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Great comment Sandra! Brains. Brains.

6:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameron Matsumoto Per. 4A

I really liked the brain dissection part and the common cents links. It was amazing to see what a brain actually looks like out of the skull, and look at the inner matter that makes up our brain was fascinating. The common cents link i was wrong, but so was thousands of other people. That made me feel sad.

5:11 PM


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