Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21

Adv. US History
Slavery in America

notes: A Troublesome Property
video: ROOTS

Kenneth Stamp reading


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyyy folks =]
so i really liked watching roots today!

godh i can't wait to gain liek 20 pounds tomorrow =]]]

oh my goodness!

i'm such a fatty haha

oh and i'm really excited becasue i got an A on my Psychology test.. um YAY

2:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow i was typing fast imeant god** and like**

2:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

3001 views! Wooooo!

3:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOOO! 3000+!

I think we can hit 5000 by Christmas... oh sorry... I mean, the "holidays" Pshhh...

Though I hope it doesn't echo, "We can be home from the war by Christmas..."

4:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you said you were going to get Esis to not round up anymore. My grade is rounded up from what you showed in class.

5:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I have no idea what eSIS is doing. It has a mind of its own. It's going to take over the world some day. Bow down before eSIS... Sorry, I got a little carried away.

I can't check eSIS from home so I can't see what you're talking about. Is rounding UP a bad thing?


Stop bragging. You barely got an A.

5:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

where is the bad picture of me that i heard about?

5:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle, you can't say Christmas.

It's the Nondenominational winter holidays.

7:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate all this "don't offend bull". To an extent it's ok, but sometimes it gets just too winy and overused...

"You can't be tall, because it lowers shot people's self esteem and makes them feel inadequate, so we regret to inform you that you must get surgery to shorten yourself so as to no longer belittle people's sense of being..."

7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole, you can't say "holiday".
It is a "break", please make more effort to be politically correct.

8:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for my ignorance, Sam.

The nondenominational...well, I can't say winter, because Australian Aborigines from Tasmania celebrate "Wegtellanyta", and to say "winter" would be excluding this group of people from the rest of society.

And we wouldn't want that.

So it is now the "Nondenominational Winter Equinox Intermission".

11:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle i know but it just pushes me to work harder =]

11:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pre-Calculus test > The Allspark > 2nd period > This blog > Autobots > Jefferson > Mr. T > Nondenominational Winter Equinox Intermission > Peas > Burr > Hamilton > 0 > Tom Cruise > Mr. Wilson's blog > Hannah Montana > Class of Abomination > our reading for 10/25/07 > 3rd period

12:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pre-Calculus test > The Allspark > 2nd period > This blog > Autobots > Jefferson > Mr. T > Nondenominational Winter Equinox Intermission > Peas > Burr > Hamilton > 0 > Tom Cruise > Idaho >Mr. Wilson's blog > Hannah Montana > Class of Abomination > our reading for 10/25/07 > 3rd period

Sorry, forgot Idaho

12:17 AM

Blogger Mr. Caro said...

Sorry everyone, it is not a break anymore either. It is now "SIOPDay". Implants are on the way.

12:46 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I was kidding about your grade. That's the problem with the Internets, you can't see my face or hear my voice when I'm talking to you. I hope you didn't think I was belittling your grade.

I guess I should have put something like this in my response-

8:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahha its all good. =]

11:05 AM


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