wow i was surprised how in depth the answers were...i thought this test was going to be quick so i chose the democrats and see how close i am with hilary happy to say we do not think alike!......anyways my opinions are almost like those of john edwards.......yaaa vote for JOHN LEE i mean John Edwards for President of '08!!!
i got michael huckabee, i think i might take the democrat one later. it'll be interesting to see who others most "identify" with! im glad u are not like hil john!
For Democratic I got Bill Richardson. For Republican I got Ron Paul. I don't fully agree with either of these candidates though. I'm surprised there weren't any questions about the War on Drugs.
i just finished taking the democrat one and I got Bill Richardson. I disagreed with alot the Dems had to say though. They want alot of govt involvement in peoples lives and i dont think thats the right idea. They also think we should raise taxes on the rich because they arent paying their "fair share". who are they to decide what is fair? raising taxes on the rich causes the growth of the economy to slow down since after all, they are the job creators. let people keep their money and let the free market work!
i say we should worry more about health care, cancer research, and a cure for aids....those things are more important than people fighting over nuclear weapons, people with their personal agendas and trying to strike fear on someones elses country......o ya what about Darfur, there was no mention about that in that quiz....and i thought we said we did not want another genocide to happen....lieing government officials....the world should work together
John Edwards FTW! Though so many answeres were just about the same, so most anyone is alright, cept for those who supported the war and basically echoed Bush in the beginning.. *Hilary cough cough!*
I like Edward's health care...
There are too many private contractors in government IMO, get em out!
Whatever happened to Dennis Kucinich, I dig him...
Once again y'all have really impressed me with the depth of your answers. I wish your comments were going to my e-mail. Please don't be offended if I don't respsond right away to your comment.
You really sound like a libertarian to me. You want LESS gov't it seems like. What do you think the gov't's role should be in our country (gov't= local, state, and federal)?
I'm not surprised at all that you went for Huckabee. You should get Karen to take it and have her post her results.
I took it again for rep, but I intentionally tried to get Ron Paul, and I managed to just about ace it, hahaha. His libertarian view is very facisating and tempting, though, I'm I'm quite reluctant to embrace it... Abolishing the IRS and the Fed Reserve (not in survey, just what I know)... Hmmmm, intriguing
I believe that the federal govt wastes alot of our tax payer money. politicans( mostly democrats, sorry to single out your political party, carlisle) believe that the rich dont pay enough in taxes. they have no problem proposing huge increases on the highest income earners. what most people dont know or dont want to believe is that lower taxes equal more money to the govt if economic growth is left alone to work. we have more money coming in now to our federal govt than we did in 2000. i know we have more debt as well but thats because of increased spending on alot of things like SS and medicare and medicare. not to mention iraq and our interest on the debt. the federal govt should lower taxes and keep them low and keep spending under control. even if we could lower spending by 10% for each department we spend on it would save so much money and would greatly decrease the time before our country is out of debt. i also believe the federal govt should have no say in someones personal life. republicans use religious people's homophobia to get elected and try to propose constitution amendments for gay marriage. the constitution is a document for giving rights, not taking them away! well thats all for now. let me know if anyone wants to debate. id love to.
i think we should get a middle class citizen to run for president....that person will know that health care for everyone, cancer research, and a cure for aids are more important than creating tension across the world....that is a reason why i dont like any of the political parties except for my made up forthepeoplecancrat.......yaa i guess im going to run for presidency on my own terms and money wont stop me......just kidding i would hate to be president after seeing how much grey hairs G.Bush got
Haha, I disagree with alot of that Max, accept your last sentence, it's not the whole or exact picture but it sure as hell is a part of it and applies correctly to quite a few... I don't wish to offend though...
I'm sure constantly covering up your lies and hiding your corruption in the face of blatant facts would give most anyone gray hairs. I mean, think of all that tension!
Max thinks he has figured out my political leanings. Ignore him.
Max, I would like to play Devil's Advocate with some of what you said. Do you think the current tax code is fair for the middle class? That would be people like your parents and hopefully me some day.
Let me give you an example: capital gains are taxes the gov't applies to wealth one earns on investments. Let's say I was an incredibly rich investment banker and I didn't work anymore. All I did was invest in stocks and bonds and made some really good money on those investments.
Under the current tax code my taxes would be much less than what your parents most likely pay in federal income tax. Is that equitable in your mind? Oregon has one of the lowest corporate income taxes in the nation. The corporate minimum in OR is $10. It's been this same rate since the 1920s. Some out of state corporations that do business in OR actually pay that! Is that fair to your average Oregon taxpayer that pays far income taxes?
Another question for you, how can the federal government cut taxes dramatically and yet wage a very expensive war simualtaneously? FDR didn't cut taxes during WWII. He asked Americans to sacrifice.
Okay here's my liberal attack: Kyle,
What do you think of President Clinton's lies while he was in office? They aged him just like President Bush.
Max, Carlisle just pwned you lol. I hate my dumb computer!!! If it didn't mean me having to go ALL the way downstairs to use the internets, I'd probably throw it out the window. That survey keeps freezing my computer, I get through question 5 and then BAM! Carlisle, don't take my participation, I need it.
"how can the federal government cut taxes dramatically and yet wage a very expensive war simualtaneously? FDR didn't cut taxes during WWII. He asked Americans to sacrifice.
I suppose that lies over personal relations and impeachment would induce aging as well... Though I admit that every president has his blunders and things he doesn't tell the public...
Though not every president is guilty of war crimes and responsible for 3800+ deaths of Americans, not to mention countless middle eastern citizens... All for a war forged on lies for personal gain and greed...
After looking at both surveys, it's pretty sad at how partisan they are... Quite a bummer...
Hahaha Andrea, Ron Paul is very different from the other Rep. candidates... He has alot of different views than his fellow Reps... For instance, he voted against the Patriot act, Iraq, Increasing the power of the exec branch, and he doesn't raise pay for himself or take pensions or other money things...
He really wants to shrink government back to its "constitutional size"
i did both quizes now and for republican i got ron paul......coooll
to me it seems like the republicans are more concerned about personal agenda than stopping poverty and provide health care for everyone....o well this government is wackoooooo
Neo-Con Republican Party Hijackers wanna Ban Ron Paul from debates and such... Funny how all the "Dems" get him, hahha.
No matter how they say they’re going to drive, they are still driving Bush’s bus. There’s no break with the status quo, no sense of innovation, no return to states’ rights and absolutely no return to moderation, transparency, and consensus. This crop of candidates is unworthy of a new chapter in Republicanism.
Although the GOP candidates are all warring, sometimes embarrassingly so, to capture Reagan’s shadow and pin it to themselves, there is no comparison between this group and traditional Republicans. Republicans such as Sandra Day O’Connor, William Cohen, Gerald Ford, Barry Goldwater, Dwight Eisenhower and above all Theodore Roosevelt represent something with much deeper roots than mere Reagan ideological spin-off.
The next chapter of Republicanism is likely to be more of the same. If a Republican becomes president in 2008, it will rhyme.
K, I'm done for the night, unless I have to really need to refute someone. Cause I have way to many posts in this one thread...
that depends on what you call middle class. how much money does a person have to make to be considered middle class? people always talk about that but ive never heard an actual range. yes the capital gains tax at 15% is much lower than the "earned" income tax rate of from 15-35%. it isnt fair for middle class workers. we need to make sure they keep as much of their income as possible. we should lower their taxes enough so we still have enough money without going in debt, but not too much excess. the individual makes the best choice with their money, not the govt. they tax you at every step:income tax, sales tax in some places, property taxes, taxes for saving your money, and for some rich people even dying and their estate. not to mention the alternative minimum tax which has never been indexed for inflation which means its going to hit middle class families very soon. you make a good point for FDR. if i had to guess i would say it was because he got the U.S to unite behind the war effort and support it. people kept working as hard because they were united and wanted to beat hitler. the tax rate made no difference because they were patriotic. plus it wasnt the global economy that we have today where higher taxes would hurt businesses ability to compete with foreign competition. thats just a guess though. id have to look into it. i also think the $10 dollar tax is ridiculously low. it can be higher than that while not stopping economic growth. btw my dad is a longshoreman so you decide if that makes us middle class. carlisle, youre a school teacher, get paid by the govt, part of a union, you seem to support the union effort for negotiations by only working contract hours on wednesdays, your wife is a feminist, ive seen the pictures you have stapled to your back wall, you said you would support a sales tax in oregon if the property and income ones were lowered but thats still another tax. no republican would support another unnecessary tax (we had a surplus of money in oregon this fiscal year which is the reason for our kicker checks) plus youre a biker. LIBERAL!!
this proves what i was talking about when i said less taxes equals more revenue. im not saying im a bush fan. i dont want any person to think im pro bush or anything like that. read these charts and you'll learn that these projections are based on IF OUR CURRENT TAX AND SPENDING POLICIES ARENT CHANGED. that would imply not rolling back the bush tax cuts like so many democrats want to do. the problem is the spending, not the taxes.
Dangit Max, it's ok if you/I/we know/think/have a hunch of Carlisle's personal standpoint, but no need to brag about your detective work. You could be discrediting him to some of his students, and giving others justification to take in what he says blindly... So yea, you mighta kinda ruined some stuff... He keeps his bias hidden and such for a reason... pshhhh
Well, I disagreed with most of the democrat one and hated the way all the republican candidates said the same thing.. especially about gay marriage and abortion. I randomly chose answers for the ones that I didn't agree with and ended up with hilary and ron paul.
I lied, I'm back... John, seems to me that you don't like taxes cause you just don't wanna pay money, plain and simple... Take a look at the bigger picture. Max on the other hand, has his crap all sorted out... Wow...
it doesnt matter what his views are to me. i just wanted to prove that i knew what they were. i dont think he biases his teaching. he proves points for both sides well.
I love how when you threaten people's participation grade they come on here. You should have not announced it to the class that it would be their participation grade, but you should have posted it on here. That would've weeded them out lol
one thing is i feel that my parents money is getting stolen when prominent things are not getting payed for such as health care.....did you guys know that our health system is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
overly priced compare to health care in other countries.....its a reason why i dislike taxes and insurance and bills and etc....
in my opinion i feel like that because i live in one of the prominent countries of the world, more necessities should be paid for than personal agendas
i feel like if the world actually worked together, more things could be solved or fixed........
He doesn't bias in his teaching... But it's the bias of the people LEARNING that would ruin the situation... Because they think he is something, they might not listen, or because they think he is something they will take everything he says as absolute truth... Oh, and your Libertarian junk lures me... Not just from this blog, but from what I've seen of Ron Paul... But it seems like you forget about the people who can't make their own way without government support... And I know that RP leaves much of it to states rights, but still, allot of people could get in trouble without government help.. You get my drift? So, when I think about the masses, it pulls me away from RP, though he always lures me back...
i agree with min but the problem issss this society in america is very selfish and no one trust each other causing everyone to own a gun, then causing crime, and then causing little young ones to blow their heads off...
things would be different if we stayed with bows and arrows
I see, John... And I feel somewhat the same about health care, but my solution is not to lower taxes, it's to fix the health care and make better use of our taxes...
Min, the right is a necessity... I know that you don't wholly trust the government, and if the gov was to declare martial law would you not want the ability to take up arms, as it is your right?
This is why I hate engaging in serious political debates on the Interent, too much typing.
It seems as if you have dislike government. Here's the real question, what is gov't? Last time I read the Constitution it read, "We the people..." Have you actually thought about how much of an impact government has on your life? Head's up, you're in a PUBLIC school that is supported by TAX DOLLARS.
Max, your education has benefited greatly by TAXES. Lest you forget, the generous people of the Tigard-Tualatin School District voted to raise their property taxes to insure you have a good education. One could argue that taxes are price we pay for a civilized society.
According to my "feminist wife", you seem to enjoy game night at the Tigard Public Library. Guess what, the library and the employees who work there are employed because of TAXES.
Can high taxes limit economic growth, sure. But Oregon's corporate minimum income tax begs the following question-- If corporations can get away with paying on $10 in income taxes, then why aren't more corporations beating down Oregon's doors and relocating here?
Corporations want good schools and a good quality of life for their employees. Guess what provides that for their workers and managers? I think you know the answer.
I'm almost happy that I wasn't able to take it lol. Kyle would own me if I tried to talk about it. I'm almost certain that 3rd period would get owned in a debate lol.
I don't think its a matter of raising or lowering taxes, but a reset of our nation's priorities. Eliminating the Iraq War and the War on Drugs(which is infringing upon individual liberties) would eventually provide us with surplus money. In addition Ron Paul doesn't support lowering all taxes, just federal tax which is being used on wars that can't be won. He supports each states' right to decide how much taxes should be lowered or raised because each region is different from the other.
Hahaha! I might Chris... Might not, too much procrastination now... Max is ferocious though... But as expected, most of the peeps on here are 2nd period geniuses...
And Min... criminals will always find a way to get dangerous weapons. They are criminals and nothing will stop them, not to mention guns will enter the black market like alcohol during Prohibition or marijuana right now. Banning weapons only takes away guns from the good guys. They tried this in Mexico and it doesn't work, drug lords there have AKs while the average citizen doesn't have the right to own a quality hunting rifle.
Ross! Sounds to me that your with the terrorist! We will never win with that attitude! REMEMBER 9/11! Don't let the terrorist win! Fight them abroad before they come here and kill your family! May god be with you!
I took both tests because i don't have a political party and i got
Republican: Ron Paul Democrat: Hillary Clinton ... i don't like her... oh well that's what i get for picking a random answer because i didn't agree with any of the other ones. i have no idea who ron paul is but i don't really get into poitics that much...or at all
I'm not against govt nor do i dislike it. I just think that taxes should be fairer and lower for people. I have nothing against govt employees either. i dont want you to think that. i was just saying that to prove why i think you are a democrat. in fact my mom is a part time reading teacher at C.F.T elementary school. i know taxes are a necessity. no govt can exist without them. we all know what happens where there is no power to collect taxes. we cant pay for anything and fight wars against britain. all ive been saying is less taxes equals more revenue. maybe only certain businesses in oregon are subject to the $10 tax, such as ones that make a certain amount per year. any other business that made more than that would have no incentive to come to oregon except if they loved rain because they wouldnt be able to get it anyway. who knows? maybe ill go look that up. the government has affected my life alot and im thankful for the things its helped me with. people like you, mr. carlisle who will take the time to have a debate with one of your students. thats pretty cool of you.
I took the republican quiz and got Mitt Romney, it was pretty much tied between all of the candidates, but he won by like i'm not too sure about where i stand...
Summer night in Harlem, Man it's really hot! Well it's too hot to sleep And too hot to eat. I don't care if I die or not!
Winter night in Harlem, Ooh ooh radiator won't get hot, And that mean ole landlord He don't care if i freeze to death or not!
Saturday night in Harlem, AHH ever'ry thing's alright. You can really swang and shake your pretty thang, The parties are out of sight.
Sunday morning here in Harlem Now eve'ry body's all dressed up. The heathen folk just gettin home from the party And the good folk just got up. Our crooked delegation Wants a donation To send the preacher to the holy land Hey hey lawd honey don't give your money To that lyin, cheatin man..
Saturday night in Harlem, AHH ever'ry thing's alright. You can really swang and shake your pretty thang, The parties are out of sight.
do i get double participation points??? ;) i actually forgot about that til right now! but she is taking it... and having a hard time answering the questions, like i did.
I got John Edwards for democrat and I had a tie between Huckabee and Ron Paul for republican
i didnt know what some of the issues even were though... like what is the affirmative action thing? my parents werent explaning to me the way i would remember it haha
I guess Im a Mike Huckabee fan. Thats Republican if ya need to know. I didn't fill out a democratic one because I have little time to spend on frivolous activities.
hey min... just read your comment about guns and maybe you should speak for yourself. I know Ive saved myself plenty of times with numerous fire arms. Did you know that Huckabee also plans to equip every household with a working firearm. Sounds good.
I didn't think you were bashing gov't employees. It was excellent debating with you. I love political debates. I want to see if your opinion on taxes change as we enter the Gilded Age in the lat 19th and early 20th century. Wait until you see how much power corporations wielded over American citizens and its gov't.
You can come in at 7:20 and start your exam. I have no idea what your Kid Nation reference meant however.
I miss him too Shole... Can you fathom America today with AG Junior as the man? Hmmm, not really any use is it? Gotta fix what we got now, not dream of what coulda been...
Yeah Mr. Carlisle I agree it was a good debate. I was worried for a second though that you were really mad at me. You seemed so passionate about it. haha. I'd like to continue this debate some other time. This is why I'm so excited to learn about economics and govt next year.
One time love, take care how you use it Try to make it last all night, And if you take your pick Be careful how you choose it, Sometimes its hard to feel it bite Feel it bite.
I guess we are resorting to worthless comments to get the job done?
I got John Edwards.We agreed with alomst everything. But i really like the other canidates. So i think i should learn a bit about them before i support them.
I got John Edwards.We agreed with alomst everything. But i really like the other canidates. So i think i should learn a bit about them before i support them.
wow, that was longer then expected. i actually had to do some research on the questions and opinions, though i only put "somewhat" on the importance meter. i turned out to be a Ron Paul. never heard of him, but it doesn't surprise me. oh, and max, stop singing that song! its like the only one u know because u sing it so much lol.
She is watching the detectives Ooh, he's so cute She is watching the detectives when they shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot They beat him up until the teardrops start, but he can't be wounded 'cause he's got no heart
um... Carlisle, was this the post we were supposed to comment on? cause im a little scared of Max, he wrote an essay =/ speaking of essays, i need to finish my english one. let me know if this is the participation post, please =)
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
So like I said I think I'm going to be an independent... but I went with Republican for the quiz and got Mitt Romney.
pretty interesting
2:51 PM
wow i was surprised how in depth the answers were...i thought this test was going to be quick so i chose the democrats and see how close i am with hilary happy to say we do not think alike!......anyways my opinions are almost like those of john edwards.......yaaa vote for JOHN LEE i mean John Edwards for President of '08!!!
4:07 PM
i got michael huckabee, i think i might take the democrat one later. it'll be interesting to see who others most "identify" with! im glad u are not like hil john!
4:13 PM
Wow, this is obscenely long, especially since I'm reading the complete answers... As of now, Obama is in the Lead over Edwards By two points...
I'll take the rep. on too, possibly.
4:13 PM
For Democratic I got Bill Richardson.
For Republican I got Ron Paul. I don't fully agree with either of these candidates though.
I'm surprised there weren't any questions about the War on Drugs.
4:14 PM
i just finished taking the democrat one and I got Bill Richardson. I disagreed with alot the Dems had to say though. They want alot of govt involvement in peoples lives and i dont think thats the right idea. They also think we should raise taxes on the rich because they arent paying their "fair share". who are they to decide what is fair? raising taxes on the rich causes the growth of the economy to slow down since after all, they are the job creators. let people keep their money and let the free market work!
4:22 PM
Max, maybe you are a Ron Paul fellow...
4:26 PM
i say we should worry more about health care, cancer research, and a cure for aids....those things are more important than people fighting over nuclear weapons, people with their personal agendas and trying to strike fear on someones elses country......o ya what about Darfur, there was no mention about that in that quiz....and i thought we said we did not want another genocide to happen....lieing government officials....the world should work together
4:31 PM
John Edwards FTW! Though so many answeres were just about the same, so most anyone is alright, cept for those who supported the war and basically echoed Bush in the beginning.. *Hilary cough cough!*
I like Edward's health care...
There are too many private contractors in government IMO, get em out!
Whatever happened to Dennis Kucinich, I dig him...
4:52 PM
John Edwards won by 77 points.
5:00 PM
Once again y'all have really impressed me with the depth of your answers. I wish your comments were going to my e-mail. Please don't be offended if I don't respsond right away to your comment.
You really sound like a libertarian to me. You want LESS gov't it seems like. What do you think the gov't's role should be in our country (gov't= local, state, and federal)?
I'm not surprised at all that you went for Huckabee. You should get Karen to take it and have her post her results.
5:05 PM
for a republican, i got mike huckabee. im not religious at all and this was all because of his fiscal and economic views on govt.
5:05 PM
I took it again for rep, but I intentionally tried to get Ron Paul, and I managed to just about ace it, hahaha. His libertarian view is very facisating and tempting, though, I'm I'm quite reluctant to embrace it... Abolishing the IRS and the Fed Reserve (not in survey, just what I know)... Hmmmm, intriguing
5:14 PM
I believe that the federal govt wastes alot of our tax payer money. politicans( mostly democrats, sorry to single out your political party, carlisle) believe that the rich dont pay enough in taxes. they have no problem proposing huge increases on the highest income earners. what most people dont know or dont want to believe is that lower taxes equal more money to the govt if economic growth is left alone to work. we have more money coming in now to our federal govt than we did in 2000. i know we have more debt as well but thats because of increased spending on alot of things like SS and medicare and medicare. not to mention iraq and our interest on the debt. the federal govt should lower taxes and keep them low and keep spending under control. even if we could lower spending by 10% for each department we spend on it would save so much money and would greatly decrease the time before our country is out of debt. i also believe the federal govt should have no say in someones personal life. republicans use religious people's homophobia to get elected and try to propose constitution amendments for gay marriage. the constitution is a document for giving rights, not taking them away! well thats all for now. let me know if anyone wants to debate. id love to.
5:19 PM
i think we should get a middle class citizen to run for president....that person will know that health care for everyone, cancer research, and a cure for aids are more important than creating tension across the world....that is a reason why i dont like any of the political parties except for my made up forthepeoplecancrat.......yaa i guess im going to run for presidency on my own terms and money wont stop me......just kidding i would hate to be president after seeing how much grey hairs G.Bush got
5:26 PM
Haha, I disagree with alot of that Max, accept your last sentence, it's not the whole or exact picture but it sure as hell is a part of it and applies correctly to quite a few... I don't wish to offend though...
5:28 PM
I'm sure constantly covering up your lies and hiding your corruption in the face of blatant facts would give most anyone gray hairs. I mean, think of all that tension!
PS, I love your response Daniel.
5:30 PM
I got Bill Richardson
I agreed with him on:
energy, enconomy,budget issues 1,2,
poverty, gun contol, and top priors
Least percent was Hillary
im preety satisfied
5:43 PM
Whats wrong with stem cell research? I see noting wrong with it. It would be stupid not to do it.
5:50 PM
Max thinks he has figured out my political leanings. Ignore him.
Max, I would like to play Devil's Advocate with some of what you said. Do you think the current tax code is fair for the middle class? That would be people like your parents and hopefully me some day.
Let me give you an example:
capital gains are taxes the gov't applies to wealth one earns on investments. Let's say I was an incredibly rich investment banker and I didn't work anymore. All I did was invest in stocks and bonds and made some really good money on those investments.
Under the current tax code my taxes would be much less than what your parents most likely pay in federal income tax. Is that equitable in your mind? Oregon has one of the lowest corporate income taxes in the nation. The corporate minimum in OR is $10. It's been this same rate since the 1920s. Some out of state corporations that do business in OR actually pay that! Is that fair to your average Oregon taxpayer that pays far income taxes?
Another question for you, how can the federal government cut taxes dramatically and yet wage a very expensive war simualtaneously? FDR didn't cut taxes during WWII. He asked Americans to sacrifice.
Okay here's my liberal attack:
What do you think of President Clinton's lies while he was in office? They aged him just like President Bush.
5:51 PM
I dissagree with Max except for the last part
5:52 PM
Shole, great minds think alike, gun control, stem cell, Max...
5:55 PM
true dat kyle my man
5:56 PM
Max, Carlisle just pwned you lol. I hate my dumb computer!!! If it didn't mean me having to go ALL the way downstairs to use the internets, I'd probably throw it out the window. That survey keeps freezing my computer, I get through question 5 and then BAM! Carlisle, don't take my participation, I need it.
5:58 PM
I got Ron Paul. I've never heard of him before, but thats not surprising.
6:04 PM
Bill Richardson won over John Edwards by one point. Most of what they said was so similar though...
6:06 PM
Do you agree with your liberal tag?
6:09 PM
"how can the federal government cut taxes dramatically and yet wage a very expensive war simualtaneously? FDR didn't cut taxes during WWII. He asked Americans to sacrifice.
I suppose that lies over personal relations and impeachment would induce aging as well... Though I admit that every president has his blunders and things he doesn't tell the public...
Though not every president is guilty of war crimes and responsible for 3800+ deaths of Americans, not to mention countless middle eastern citizens... All for a war forged on lies for personal gain and greed...
After looking at both surveys, it's pretty sad at how partisan they are... Quite a bummer...
6:10 PM
Hahaha Andrea, Ron Paul is very different from the other Rep. candidates... He has alot of different views than his fellow Reps... For instance, he voted against the Patriot act, Iraq, Increasing the power of the exec branch, and he doesn't raise pay for himself or take pensions or other money things...
He really wants to shrink government back to its "constitutional size"
6:17 PM
I took the Rep quiz and I got Ron Paul! wooooot!
6:44 PM
i did both quizes now and for republican i got ron paul......coooll
to me it seems like the republicans are more concerned about personal agenda than stopping poverty and provide health care for everyone....o well this government is wackoooooo
6:51 PM
The true question is... What did Carlisle get?
7:01 PM
Neo-Con Republican Party Hijackers wanna Ban Ron Paul from debates and such... Funny how all the "Dems" get him, hahha.
No matter how they say they’re going to drive, they are still driving Bush’s bus. There’s no break with the status quo, no sense of innovation, no return to states’ rights and absolutely no return to moderation, transparency, and consensus. This crop of candidates is unworthy of a new chapter in Republicanism.
Although the GOP candidates are all warring, sometimes embarrassingly so, to capture Reagan’s shadow and pin it to themselves, there is no comparison between this group and traditional Republicans. Republicans such as Sandra Day O’Connor, William Cohen, Gerald Ford, Barry Goldwater, Dwight Eisenhower and above all Theodore Roosevelt represent something with much deeper roots than mere Reagan ideological spin-off.
The next chapter of Republicanism is likely to be more of the same. If a Republican becomes president in 2008, it will rhyme.
K, I'm done for the night, unless I have to really need to refute someone. Cause I have way to many posts in this one thread...
7:08 PM
that depends on what you call middle class. how much money does a person have to make to be considered middle class? people always talk about that but ive never heard an actual range. yes the capital gains tax at 15% is much lower than the "earned" income tax rate of from 15-35%. it isnt fair for middle class workers. we need to make sure they keep as much of their income as possible. we should lower their taxes enough so we still have enough money without going in debt, but not too much excess. the individual makes the best choice with their money, not the govt. they tax you at every step:income tax, sales tax in some places, property taxes, taxes for saving your money, and for some rich people even dying and their estate. not to mention the alternative minimum tax which has never been indexed for inflation which means its going to hit middle class families very soon. you make a good point for FDR. if i had to guess i would say it was because he got the U.S to unite behind the war effort and support it. people kept working as hard because they were united and wanted to beat hitler. the tax rate made no difference because they were patriotic. plus it wasnt the global economy that we have today where higher taxes would hurt businesses ability to compete with foreign competition. thats just a guess though. id have to look into it. i also think the $10 dollar tax is ridiculously low. it can be higher than that while not stopping economic growth. btw my dad is a longshoreman so you decide if that makes us middle class. carlisle, youre a school teacher, get paid by the govt, part of a union, you seem to support the union effort for negotiations by only working contract hours on wednesdays, your wife is a feminist, ive seen the pictures you have stapled to your back wall, you said you would support a sales tax in oregon if the property and income ones were lowered but thats still another tax. no republican would support another unnecessary tax (we had a surplus of money in oregon this fiscal year which is the reason for our kicker checks) plus youre a biker. LIBERAL!!
7:30 PM
Is your e-mail notification working again...not mine.
7:35 PM
how about we should take in consideration what George Bush sr said during his presidential campaign: "Read my lips, NO MORE TAXES"
That is what i call genius. O if you guys dont know, I hate taxes as much as i hate car insurance so ya wooooooooooooooooooo
7:40 PM
this proves what i was talking about when i said less taxes equals more revenue. im not saying im a bush fan. i dont want any person to think im pro bush or anything like that. read these charts and you'll learn that these projections are based on IF OUR CURRENT TAX AND SPENDING POLICIES ARENT CHANGED. that would imply not rolling back the bush tax cuts like so many democrats want to do. the problem is the spending, not the taxes.
7:41 PM
Dangit Max, it's ok if you/I/we know/think/have a hunch of Carlisle's personal standpoint, but no need to brag about your detective work. You could be discrediting him to some of his students, and giving others justification to take in what he says blindly... So yea, you mighta kinda ruined some stuff... He keeps his bias hidden and such for a reason... pshhhh
7:41 PM
Mine was a pretty close tie between Clinton and Obama, with Edwards not that far behind. Was pretty surprised by how deep they went into everything.
7:41 PM
I took it and I got Ron Paul. I'm not surprised. I say Amen to anyone else that supports Ron Paul. Amen to what Max said too.
7:43 PM
Well, I disagreed with most of the democrat one and hated the way all the republican candidates said the same thing.. especially about gay marriage and abortion. I randomly chose answers for the ones that I didn't agree with and ended up with hilary and ron paul.
I don't like either of them.. :/
7:43 PM
I got Barack Obama
we agreed in economy, education, gay marriage, GUN CONTROL, and GUN CONTROL 2....but...i like Hilary's immigration policies...hmm
interesting...the questions were very deep and specific..
7:44 PM
I lied, I'm back... John, seems to me that you don't like taxes cause you just don't wanna pay money, plain and simple... Take a look at the bigger picture. Max on the other hand, has his crap all sorted out... Wow...
7:44 PM
it doesnt matter what his views are to me. i just wanted to prove that i knew what they were. i dont think he biases his teaching. he proves points for both sides well.
7:50 PM
I love how when you threaten people's participation grade they come on here. You should have not announced it to the class that it would be their participation grade, but you should have posted it on here. That would've weeded them out lol
7:52 PM
one thing is i feel that my parents money is getting stolen when prominent things are not getting payed for such as health care.....did you guys know that our health system is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
overly priced compare to health care in other countries.....its a reason why i dislike taxes and insurance and bills and etc....
in my opinion i feel like that because i live in one of the prominent countries of the world, more necessities should be paid for than personal agendas
i feel like if the world actually worked together, more things could be solved or fixed........
7:54 PM
oh and about guns...
seriously...we shouldn't be able to bear firearms....
I don't care if its in the constitution..
I think there's more ppl dying from guns than saving themselves with a gun..
every once in a while I see the news and there's a kid who blew his head off with his/her dad's gun that was in the closet/next to the bed/cabinet...
c'mon... i know its might take forever to do so....but we need to work it out..
7:55 PM
He doesn't bias in his teaching... But it's the bias of the people LEARNING that would ruin the situation... Because they think he is something, they might not listen, or because they think he is something they will take everything he says as absolute truth... Oh, and your Libertarian junk lures me... Not just from this blog, but from what I've seen of Ron Paul... But it seems like you forget about the people who can't make their own way without government support... And I know that RP leaves much of it to states rights, but still, allot of people could get in trouble without government help.. You get my drift? So, when I think about the masses, it pulls me away from RP, though he always lures me back...
7:55 PM
i agree with min but the problem issss this society in america is very selfish and no one trust each other causing everyone to own a gun, then causing crime, and then causing little young ones to blow their heads off...
things would be different if we stayed with bows and arrows
7:58 PM
I see, John... And I feel somewhat the same about health care, but my solution is not to lower taxes, it's to fix the health care and make better use of our taxes...
Min, the right is a necessity... I know that you don't wholly trust the government, and if the gov was to declare martial law would you not want the ability to take up arms, as it is your right?
7:59 PM
This is why I hate engaging in serious political debates on the Interent, too much typing.
It seems as if you have dislike government. Here's the real question, what is gov't? Last time I read the Constitution it read, "We the people..." Have you actually thought about how much of an impact government has on your life? Head's up, you're in a PUBLIC school that is supported by TAX DOLLARS.
Max, your education has benefited greatly by TAXES. Lest you forget, the generous people of the Tigard-Tualatin School District voted to raise their property taxes to insure you have a good education. One could argue that taxes are price we pay for a civilized society.
According to my "feminist wife", you seem to enjoy game night at the Tigard Public Library. Guess what, the library and the employees who work there are employed because of TAXES.
Can high taxes limit economic growth, sure. But Oregon's corporate minimum income tax begs the following question-- If corporations can get away with paying on $10 in income taxes, then why aren't more corporations beating down Oregon's doors and relocating here?
Corporations want good schools and a good quality of life for their employees. Guess what provides that for their workers and managers? I think you know the answer.
8:00 PM
carlisle i sent you an email with a question about my dying for your response hahhaha
8:02 PM
Guys. Stop internet fighting. It makes burning internets rain down on baby kittens that die while screaming out binary code.
8:04 PM
8:04 PM
Wow, um, this is intense.
So I took the quiz and I identified most with John Edwards. I'm going to have to look into him a little bit more.
8:07 PM
Oh, and here's the link to the story I was telling you about earlier, Mr. Carlisle:
8:08 PM
I'm almost happy that I wasn't able to take it lol. Kyle would own me if I tried to talk about it. I'm almost certain that 3rd period would get owned in a debate lol.
8:14 PM
I don't think its a matter of raising or lowering taxes, but a reset of our nation's priorities. Eliminating the Iraq War and the War on Drugs(which is infringing upon individual liberties) would eventually provide us with surplus money. In addition Ron Paul doesn't support lowering all taxes, just federal tax which is being used on wars that can't be won. He supports each states' right to decide how much taxes should be lowered or raised because each region is different from the other.
8:18 PM
Hahaha! I might Chris... Might not, too much procrastination now...
Max is ferocious though... But as expected, most of the peeps on here are 2nd period geniuses...
8:19 PM
And Min... criminals will always find a way to get dangerous weapons. They are criminals and nothing will stop them, not to mention guns will enter the black market like alcohol during Prohibition or marijuana right now. Banning weapons only takes away guns from the good guys. They tried this in Mexico and it doesn't work, drug lords there have AKs while the average citizen doesn't have the right to own a quality hunting rifle.
8:21 PM
Ross! Sounds to me that your with the terrorist! We will never win with that attitude! REMEMBER 9/11! Don't let the terrorist win! Fight them abroad before they come here and kill your family! May god be with you!
"Just playing devil's advocate"
8:22 PM
I atleast need to say something in all of this
8:28 PM
yea Shole, get in on the mayhem...
8:29 PM
I took both tests because i don't have a political party and i got
Republican: Ron Paul
Democrat: Hillary Clinton ... i don't like her...
oh well that's what i get for picking a random answer because i didn't agree with any of the other ones. i have no idea who ron paul is but i don't really get into poitics that much...or at all
8:31 PM
I'm wondering how long this blog will get by tonight. See what happens when you TELL us to visit the blog for participation Carlisle? SEE? SEE????
8:34 PM
WOOO I am two people in the Democratic party Bill Richardson and Barak Obama. My least at 2 points was Hillary.
8:38 PM
I'm not against govt nor do i dislike it. I just think that taxes should be fairer and lower for people. I have nothing against govt employees either. i dont want you to think that. i was just saying that to prove why i think you are a democrat. in fact my mom is a part time reading teacher at C.F.T elementary school. i know taxes are a necessity. no govt can exist without them. we all know what happens where there is no power to collect taxes. we cant pay for anything and fight wars against britain. all ive been saying is less taxes equals more revenue. maybe only certain businesses in oregon are subject to the $10 tax, such as ones that make a certain amount per year. any other business that made more than that would have no incentive to come to oregon except if they loved rain because they wouldnt be able to get it anyway. who knows? maybe ill go look that up. the government has affected my life alot and im thankful for the things its helped me with. people like you, mr. carlisle who will take the time to have a debate with one of your students. thats pretty cool of you.
8:41 PM
I took the republican quiz and got Mitt Romney, it was pretty much tied between all of the candidates, but he won by like i'm not too sure about where i stand...
8:42 PM
Summer night in Harlem,
Man it's really hot!
Well it's too hot to sleep
And too hot to eat.
I don't care if I die or not!
Winter night in Harlem,
Ooh ooh radiator won't get hot,
And that mean ole landlord
He don't care if i freeze to death or not!
Saturday night in Harlem,
AHH ever'ry thing's alright.
You can really swang and shake your pretty thang,
The parties are out of sight.
Sunday morning here in Harlem
Now eve'ry body's all dressed up.
The heathen folk just gettin home from the party
And the good folk just got up.
Our crooked delegation
Wants a donation
To send the preacher to the holy land
Hey hey lawd honey don't give your money
To that lyin, cheatin man..
Saturday night in Harlem,
AHH ever'ry thing's alright.
You can really swang and shake your pretty thang,
The parties are out of sight.
8:46 PM
So I am a John Edwards.
But I'm not really into politics... yet.
8:47 PM
Also, Mr. Carlisle, I won't be in class tomorrow.
So yeah. I'll come in tomorrow after school or something and figure out what I missed and such.
8:47 PM
Max, chill. Try to think about something soothing and calming like this picture: Soothing, like a waterfall and long walks on the beach
8:50 PM
Isnt today the day of the week were Carisle is supposed to only work the contract hours?
8:52 PM
do i get double participation points??? ;) i actually forgot about that til right now! but she is taking it... and having a hard time answering the questions, like i did.
9:01 PM
I got John Edwards for democrat and I had a tie between Huckabee and Ron Paul for republican
i didnt know what some of the issues even were though... like what is the affirmative action thing? my parents werent explaning to me the way i would remember it haha
9:01 PM
hey can i come in the morning to start the test and at lunch too? around 7:20 will you be there? by the way on KN you = will the 11 yr old..
9:02 PM
I guess Im a Mike Huckabee fan. Thats Republican if ya need to know. I didn't fill out a democratic one because I have little time to spend on frivolous activities.
9:06 PM
hey min... just read your comment about guns and maybe you should speak for yourself. I know Ive saved myself plenty of times with numerous fire arms. Did you know that Huckabee also plans to equip every household with a working firearm. Sounds good.
9:13 PM
I didn't think you were bashing gov't employees. It was excellent debating with you. I love political debates. I want to see if your opinion on taxes change as we enter the Gilded Age in the lat 19th and early 20th century. Wait until you see how much power corporations wielded over American citizens and its gov't.
You can come in at 7:20 and start your exam. I have no idea what your Kid Nation reference meant however.
Who's Ross?
9:14 PM
Ross is mi amigo and a 2nd period Unis cat...
9:17 PM
hey carlisle, tomorrow can i bring you in psychology essays?? maybe like right after class really quick??
thanks. bye.
9:19 PM
That's cool.
Wow, I've never gotten 100 comments. Let's go for it tonight. Okay, the wife and I are going to watch ANTM. Be back around 10-ish.
Uh, don't forget to read the McPherson reading. See you in a little while.
9:23 PM
hey guys im back
9:29 PM
Well I took both. For the Democrats I got Chris Dodd. For the Reoublicans I got RON PAUL by a long shot!
Ross, let's have a Ron Paul rally sometime!
And Mr. Carlisle, can I come in in the morning and at lunch with Cat?
9:29 PM
Ya, I'm straight out of Unis' 2nd period. My comrade Kyle led me to this intriguing forum of political ideals.
Of course,Stephen, I'm always up for a Ron Paul rally. We've got to do something since we can't vote next year.
9:36 PM
alright sweeeeeeeeet
9:36 PM
ROSS!!!! dude what the heck i haven't seen you in so long!!!
9:37 PM
I miss William Jefferson Clinton
9:39 PM
Paul, Slyter '08!
9:39 PM
I miss him too Shole... Can you fathom America today with AG Junior as the man? Hmmm, not really any use is it? Gotta fix what we got now, not dream of what coulda been...
10:12 PM
WOAH. this thread is out of control!
Ross, hey!
10:16 PM
Yeah Mr. Carlisle I agree it was a good debate. I was worried for a second though that you were really mad at me. You seemed so passionate about it. haha. I'd like to continue this debate some other time. This is why I'm so excited to learn about economics and govt next year.
10:23 PM
Of course.
Welcome aboard. You are now a friend of the blog.
10:23 PM
That's another thing I hate about debating on the Internet--you can't tell what a person's tone is.
Don't sweat. Not mad at all.
10:23 PM
Alright im makin' like a tree and going to bed. I hope you guys get to 100 comments!
10:33 PM
Shole, is the tree for your english drawing? Don't forget to do that!
10:35 PM
just 3 more till we hit 100!
10:37 PM
Ohhh take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty! oh wont you please take me home!!!
ok now only 2 more!!
10:42 PM
One time love, take care how you use it
Try to make it last all night, And if you take your pick
Be careful how you choose it, Sometimes its hard to feel it bite
Feel it bite.
I guess we are resorting to worthless comments to get the job done?
10:44 PM
YAY NUMBER 100!!!!
10:47 PM
Total setup! Haha, 101! BROKE 100! AHHHHH!
10:48 PM
Hey my name is now Fred Thompson the Republican. I love how long that quiz was.
10:50 PM
I got John Edwards.We agreed with alomst everything. But i really like the other canidates. So i think i should learn a bit about them before i support them.
10:57 PM
I got John Edwards.We agreed with alomst everything. But i really like the other canidates. So i think i should learn a bit about them before i support them.
10:57 PM
wow, that was longer then expected. i actually had to do some research on the questions and opinions, though i only put "somewhat" on the importance meter. i turned out to be a Ron Paul.
never heard of him, but it doesn't surprise me. oh, and max, stop singing that song! its like the only one u know because u sing it so much lol.
11:07 PM
sorry max, it was welcome to the jungle that u always sung. i guess u do know more than one song. haha
11:13 PM
She is watching the detectives
Ooh, he's so cute
She is watching the detectives
when they shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot
They beat him up until the teardrops start,
but he can't be wounded 'cause he's got no heart
This is in one of the Godfather movies...
11:21 PM
Dem...I got Chris Dodd.
But he didn't even make into onto the list of candidates!!
Whaaaaaatt! Lame.
Sucks for anyone who got BILL RICHARDSON. Hahahaaaa
8:30 PM
um... Carlisle, was this the post we were supposed to comment on? cause im a little scared of Max, he wrote an essay =/ speaking of essays, i need to finish my english one. let me know if this is the participation post, please =)
9:28 PM
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