Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sherman's March

Great link about Sherman's March. Make sure your speakers are on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scorched earth loading bar was a nice touch. So, question: why are things called "campaigns"?

4:19 PM

Blogger Nizar said...

Hey mr. carlisle, its Nizar, if figured out why it didn't work, i was uploading it into a different class. What is the login name and password for history so i can register it and upload it on to turnitin.com, thanks.


4:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man o man they just walked around owning everone's faces... that's tight

Charles Specht

5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this website. It's a nice way of learning about this.

5:38 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Here's what you need for my class:

class code: 1988209
password: carlisle

5:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site was really cool. It wasn't boring like most historic sites. I reaslly liked it with all thee facts and points of interest and to see where they walked through.

10:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa this site is really nice

12:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice guys, way to eek out meager comments irrelevant to the Civil War... The worthless "cool" and "nice". Besides "Charles", no one even talks about or mentions the content... You guys are lame.

I say nay to participation points for you guys...

12:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

too little too late for the confederates on adding the black soldiers.
You think they would have won if they acted sooner on it?

7:16 AM


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