Friday, April 25, 2008


Here's some information on David Koresh and the incident in Waco, TX.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Koresh:

You would think people MIGHT have gotten the idea it was a cult when they started being referred to as the "Davidians".. I dunno, just a guess.. ;)

I wonder why people followed him after the first time it was a 'false alarm', Haha.

Sometimes.. I wonder about people. I know it is all about obedience, but it is insane and disgusting what people will do just because some random person seems like a big deal. It is like they have no process in their brain about common sense but, if any, sense of belonging overrides it. It is crazy to me.

10:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually visited the heavens gate website. It's still up I believe. Really eerie to look at that website especially after knowing what happened all those years ago.q

11:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean, I visited the website like last year.

11:37 PM


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