Thursday, May 22, 2008

Woud You Have Been Drafted?

Post your draft number and a comment about what you would have done in the event that you were drafted during the Vietnam War.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe that is the way they did part of the draft. It almost seems like a way to boost TV ratings... I put my birthday in and my number was 133. I would have had to go, just because I was born on a certain day. yikes. I also tried my bother and sister. My sister was one of the last numbers (that lucky stink), but my brother was #10. yikes. I cant imagine watching that and hearing your bithday called first, scary stuff...

10:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. it did it twice... could you delete one of those for me, please? =)

10:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would have been DRAFTED. I honestly don't think I'd mind going if I had been. I somewhat would have wanted to stay home, but I know I wouldn't end up fleeing to Canada to avoid it. I think if I was truly needed, I would go. I wouldn't want to go wholeheartedly, but I would understand why I had to (eventually..)

Carlisle- I will be in class tommorrow- I pulled/spraigned(?) my leg tendon...
-Can't wait for the Kip Kinkle vid Friday!

10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


its called akinetic mutism

1:30 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Crazy Alexi.

1:49 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Draft # 129.

I would have been drafted if I were a dude.

3:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My number is 022. I would have been drafted. I think I would be able to get a deferment because of being in college. I plan on going to med school, so I would hopefully have been in school the whole time the draft was going on.

3:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My number was 366

unlike everyone else who posted, i would NOT be drafted WOOOOOOO!!!!!

Oh goodness atleast I was way over the cut off for being drafted. I def wouldn't go if I was. I would try to find some sort of way to get the govt. to say I was super smart and attend college for years and years... oh yes good plan =]


3:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wouldnt have a number because i would have been the little vietnamese boy putting grenades in those red, white and blue jeeps or i could have been mao zedong and ruler of China.....hahhahaha

but if i had been an american citizen during that time, i would have hit the jackpot because my draft number was 329......wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

3:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW. I would of been one of the lucky ones because my number was 239. But I can't believe they drafted as high as number 196. How did they decide which birth date got which number?

3:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mine was 202
yay no draft for me! =)

my uncle told me how he was drafted but got out of it because of college, crazy stuff!

that would be really interesting if we had a draft today, and if women would be a part of it...

4:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

212. Good thing too, or else I woulda had to break my leg.

4:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My number was 353 so i wouldnt have been drafted. I would have been lucky.

4:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have been drafted my number was 092. I would have just done my duty and gotten out. I know it is my duty to serve my country.

4:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! 051! I would of definitely been drafted. I wouldn't go fight in the war. I don't believe in violence on such a large scale. My excuse: med school! Med school excuses me for at least 8 years.

5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

293. Thank god. I would have been so pissed if I got drafted. I have an incredible amount of respect for people who decide to join the armed forces if they believe in the cause. However, if the federal government ever tried to force me into the service I would protest and refuse to go.

5:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

114.. lets get ready to fight!

5:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psh, I'm in the clear twice over.
Looks like I won't have to move to Canadia...oh wait...Bush is still in office...
I'll pack up anyway...

5:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got 62. If I were a guy, I would have tried to get a college deferment, but if that didn't work, I guess that I would have fought. I think I would feel just too guilty about the other people sharing my birthday to avoid the draft.

5:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wouldn't have been drafted, fortunatly.

If I had been drafted COLLEGE....or Canada. yeah, i don't believe violence really solves anything

my dad would have been drafted, he got 31 (but he was just a couple years too young)

5:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

May 1st and I got 330. I probably would have gone though if I was drafted for the adventure and to travel. But actually this war probably would not be as good of a choice compared to WWI and other wars. So I would be in college so I would be safe.

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My number was 176.
I would try and get the college deferment. If not then i would go and serve.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I think I would have gone. I wouldn't be able to have a clear conscious if I cheated out of going and someone else had to go. I wouldn't want to go though, with all the things that could kill you. Vietcong, bombs, weapons,animals, bugs, diseases,... Kind of scary.

7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got nothing to worry about cuz i got #216. that is exciting.
i'll just stay in OR and finish college and probably, i don't know become a high school teacher or dentist. lol

7:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...



To be honest, i would hate to be forced to fight in a war. I probably would be safe in college, but if all else fails, I'll be in Canada.

7:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how I have the highest number SUCKAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS

366 yeayuhhhhhh

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got 170. And woulda been drafted..I would have gone to canada in an instant.. I like the snow over by toronto, they get like five feet no joke. Oh CANADA!

8:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

092... within drafting range! hmmm if i was a male here's the order in which i'd try dodge the draft: college deferment, hide out somewhere/lay low, get a doctor to say i'm legally blind, fake homosexuality or insanity, break a wrist, leave the country. i'm not one for sudden loud noises or fighting for unnecessary wars.

9:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

252 :)

but if i had been drafted i would have moved to canada. actually i think it would be tight to move to canada regardless

10:12 PM

Blogger vikki said...


I would ask my optometrist to confirm that I am legally blind.

10:22 PM

Blogger vikki said...

Cause I am. I'm pretty sure... So I shouldn't even be driving.

10:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

33! College, lots of college, that's the answer. I would try and get a big degree in something, and if that doesn't work. Canada here I come!!! I just couldn't do something as drastic as break my arm or leg, I just can't do pain.

11:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

96...scary stuff, would have been drafted

6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha suckers thats right nimber 283! No way would I have been drafted.

11:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

04... wow... sucks to be born on valentines day! thats ridic! my uncle was drafted, so i put in his b-day and his draft # was 37. i would think it would be more random. like everyone has a draft number but the numbers aren'e called in order! i dont know what i would have done, if i would have dodged or gone, i think i would have gone.

2:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My number was 166. I would have been drafted into war. If that would have been the case i would have gone to war and did the honorable thing and fight for my country.

9:08 PM


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