Monday, June 02, 2008

American Politicians We Will be Discussing in the Coming Days


Blogger Casey said...

Speaking of Reagan, here's a short clip from one of the 1984 Presidential Debates between Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale.

If you listen carefully, you can see him stutter and lose his train of thought several times, especially around 3 and half minutes in. Some presidential historians think that he was showing some early signs of Alzheimer's during this and other debates.

10:17 PM

Blogger luangrath said...


hahaha that kid was like, "whaaaat..?"

10:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only Ronald Reagan had been smart with his fiscal policies them maybe we wouldnt be in this mountain on debt right now. Enough spending wasnt cut to make up for the initial drop in revenue cause by the huge tax cuts.

I dont think he should have cocentrated on cutting welfare and other programs for the poor. Im all for more responsible spending and less waste but im sure there are more places to cut waste and excess spending from. And besides, he offset any cuts made with huge defense spending. I wish we could go back and fix this.

What are your thoughts Mr. Carlisle?

5:05 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Great comment. It certainly doesn't appear to make much sense to cut taxes and then raise spending. However, Reagan raised spending on defense. One could argue those spending increases help to destroy the Soviet Union.

The current administration will also leave behind a mountain of debt that will have to be sorted out by future American presidents.

6:58 PM


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