Friday, May 30, 2008


Adv. US History
Vietnam Conflict

Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam

Text pp. 880-87


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, was there an RQ today? I was gone.

5:21 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


7:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed that video we watched today in class.

it had really good music too.
i would definitely watch it again.

11:37 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I'm glad Brandon because that's one of the last videos you guys are going to watch this year. Next week it's pretty much discussion. We're almost through!

8:25 AM

Blogger Casey said...

The DNC Rules Committee met today to try and reach a resolution to Florida and Michigan. They entertained 3 motions.

The first would seat all the Florida delegations, both pledged and unpledged, giving them each 1 full vote.

The motion failed 12-15

The second would seat the full delegations, both pledged and unpledged, giving them each 1/2 vote. It would also apportion the delegates as such:

Hillary Clinton would get 104 delegates, or 52.5 votes.
John Edwards would get 13 delegates, or 6.5 votes.
Barack Obama would get 67 delegates, or 33.5 votes.

The motion passed 27-0

The third motion was regarding Michigan, it would seat the full delegations, both pledged and unpledged, giving them each 1/2 vote. It would also apportion the delegates as such:

Hillary Clinton would get 69 delegates, or 34.5 votes.
Barack Obama would get 59 delegates, or 29.5 votes.

The motion passed 19-8

All would seem well, however, Hillary Clinton has said that she reserves the right to bring this to the DNC Credentials Committee, which won't be meeting until July. Most would hope that she will not do that, though. If she does, then there is a very good chance that this will go to the Convention in Denver, which will almost ensure John McCain will win the general election.

For the time being, the goalpost for the nomination has moved, the new magic number is 2,118, up from 2,026. Here are the current delegate estimates:

Hillary Clinton: 1,877 delegates; 241 needed to nominate
Barack Obama: 2,050 delegates; 68 needed to nominate

On the primary calendar, Puerto Rico, with 55 delegates, holds it's primary tomorrow. Then comes Montana, with 16 delegates, and South Dakota, with 15, on Tuesday.

Clinton is leading in Puerto Rico by about 20 points, though the poll was conducted over a 2 week period, so there's a chance those numbers don't reflect the current situation. Obama is leading in Montana by about 20 points, with no polls from South Dakota.

4:50 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Thanks for the detailed update Casey. It appears this saga is almost over.

6:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great video, but very emotionally draining.
It made me want to carry a camera everywhere to document history in the making.

we should play around the world as a way of remebering things for the final.

Woot! Almost done!!!
Carlisle ftw!!

11:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I'm glad you liked it Anna. I like your idea of documenting everything you see.

Around the world is a great idea if we have time to execute. Ciao.

7:59 AM

Blogger Casey said...

Hillary Clinton handily beat Barack Obama today in Puerto Rico, and now is claiming to have a clear lead in the popular vote.

With 98% of the precincts reporting:
Clinton - 257,331 votes - 68%
Obama - 118,972 votes - 32%

She beat him in every demographic, including ones he normally wins, such as educated, younger, and richer voters.

And with this huge victory, she will claim about 40 of Puerto Rico's delegates, while he will pick up about 15.

Now she is also claiming to be clearly ahead in the popular vote. She has been claiming to be ahead here before, but now she says that her margin is significant enough that anyone can see. She's using this argument to try and appeal to superdelegates to back her.

However, her count doesn't include caucus votes (her reasoning being that they don't release those votes) and she also doesn't give Obama any of the about 240,000 votes that were cast for "uncommitted". If you estimate the caucus votes, and give him those 240,000 votes, then he is actually ahead in the popular vote.

Obama is saying that this ordeal will end on Wednesday, the day after the final 2 primaries. There are several rumors that most of the uncommitted superdelegates have in fact made up their mind, they are just waiting for the whole process to finish before they announce their support. He says that he will pick up enough superdelegates on Wednesday that will give him the nomination when combined with the about 20 or so delegates he is expected to pick up on Tuesday.

Obama only needs about 58 delegates for the nomination.

4:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

new kids on the block are coming november 23rd, i take it you already have tickets?


8:32 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Would you like me to chaperone you and Joel when you guys go?

8:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude Roxy you wish!

10:54 PM


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