Thursday, May 29, 2008

FOX News sued for causing PTSD

Watch out for bedbugs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really gross...
I think her claims are probably exaggerated. Why would she be "ridiculed"? If it was bugging her that much she should have taken it to the city government. I think it's a little ridiculous that this woman's nightmares caused by bedbugs are given the same disorder classification as, say, a woman with nightmares resulting from a rape.

6:25 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I think FOX news should be forgiven- I mean, they do so much good for America by delivering fair and balanced news (unlike the Clinton News Network, or "CNN"). That lady should cut them some slack yo.

8:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bedbugs are the worst. It would be bad enough to find a stray spider on the wall, but sleeping with a colony of insects?
I think I'm as afraid of bedbugs as I am of tornados, and I've had many tornado nightmares.

It's all irrational, and I agree with Charlotte that it should not be classified as PTSD...but EW.

11:45 PM


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