Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This is What I Will Be Doing on Sundays this Fall

Finally got a cyclocross bike. Can't wait for the fun to begin. If I'm a little sore on Mondays in October, this is why:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man do those guys have leg strength, I can hardly walk in the sand, let alone bike in some dirt. Work those legs carlise!

12:00 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Unfortunately that clip doesn't show all that cross has to offer. There are barriers and run-ups where the rider has to carry their bike up a hill and then hop back on. You and the nerds should come out to a race this fall. It's quite a scene.

6:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll all pile into Nicole's Hogwarts Express Van and cheer you on like the rabid fangirls we are.
How has your summer been anyway, Carlisle? How's the house deal coming? You know my father deals with loans and brokers and stuff like that if you still need, you're probably past that point though.

12:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like oh my god its Devin Mohr! How are you Devin? Hows summer? I havent talked to you for like 3 months! Hows the whole moving out thing coming?

1:46 AM

Blogger vikki said...

I don't know how much I want to see Mr. Carlisle in spandex... haha

6:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God it's Max Slyter! I'm good, Max. Getting ready to take Portland by storm 8/30 for the Con - Look for me Carlisle!
I've just been busy doing geeky things... what else?
How about you?
And Viki's right... spandex...

9:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been having a good summer actually. I've been volunteering at the library and am still trying to get a job. I hope we have some of the same classes next year. That would be fun. You still living with your mom? Hows that going?

9:57 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Fangirls rule.

I can work the spandex, don't you geeks worry about that.

4:28 PM

Blogger luangrath said...


Watch this. At first, it looks like a boring documentary but it is actually quite funny.

11:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Carlisle I have a question for you. Do you have any dissenting views from your political party? I'm just curious to see if you're all party lines or not.

7:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Yes. There are hard to explain without fully giving away my political ideology.

8:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah ok. I was just curious. One day I'd like to talk with you and discuss your views if you're ever willing to reveal them.

10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!


you would!

10:51 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Mos def.

7:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That''s all we have to do... then the great mystery of Carlisle's political party will be known.
It's like Christmas in July.

12:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa someone stole my identity on the blog! Who's the culprit?

12:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Carlisle I found some interesting facts of oil and gas companies. I wish more people would research before criticizing.


1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I si the real culprit max... for some reason I had your name on my mind when typing mine... sorry. XD

11:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw so it was you! Well thats ok. Anyone else and I'd be mad. =)

12:14 AM

Blogger luangrath said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:29 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I met your wife today. She seems like a wonderful lady.

It was awkward because I came up to her not knowing it was her and was like, "uh this may be weird, but I have a teacher named Mr. Carlisle and he told me his wife works here...do you know which one she is?" and she was like, "uh, that's me"

12:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

She tpld me you came to introduce yourself. Very nice! Wilson and I were up at THS getting our rooms set up for the fall. I'm pretty much good to go. Can't wait for IB History!! Get ready to read your butt off.

2:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Carlisle I'm in your psychology class 1st semester, 1st period on A days. Can't wait for that.

2:26 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


THAT'S GREAT NEWS!! You need to bring it for first period. I haven't had a first period class in a while. I really hope I have some energetic students for that class.

2:43 PM

Blogger vikki said...

Are you going to play a prank on those little juniors the first day?

5:11 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Um excuse me, Vikki *snaps fingers in Z shape*
I'm right here.

Reading? Carlisle, what is that you speak of? I have not read a book since Wilson's class 1st semester.

Well, I did read Colbert's book, but I guess that's not considered a piece of "literature".

5:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And on the note of Max's good news, you'll have me for psychology next semester... I know, you wish it was sooner.

5:43 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Feel free to email your ideas for pranks.


Didn't you already take Psych?!? You better not be in the class that Cat signed up for. You will not sit within 30 feet of her.


Reading. Not a book, but reading. As readings. We're hoping to have an actual reader for IB this year. We'll see. Oh, you will also have reading quizzes. Lots of reading quizzes.

8:07 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Hmm okay.

I'm not gonna lie- I am nervous and anxious for next year.

So, I was wondering why we never really had reading quizzes in psych last year?

8:46 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Narintohn, you have NO reason to be nervous for this school year. Keep showing me outlines for History and you will be more than fine.

Regarding your question about RQs in Psych, honestly I didn't feel like grading them. I had enough reading quizzes to grade in history along with all of the essays and tests. So I guess the answer is just laziness on my part. Plus I think some of the material can be kind of difficult to get on your own.

I'm really curious to see if my overall student numbers drop in Psych since I gave only IDs and essay exams all year in lieu of multiple choice exams.

9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did, I took IB Psych with Caro - so you better live up Carlisle! I have no worries about it though.
As if I'm the problem student! You're confusing me with Nicole. Besides, having me on one side and Cat on the other... I can see problems... But I don't think it's the same calss, so you've dodged a bullet.

9:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, that looks pretty insane. Good luck with that. Those bikes are pretty interesting though, they look like road bikes with thick tires. Probably so you can pick it up and run! Haha. I can't imagine why you would possibly want drop handlebars for an even like that though...

I especially like the tandom :)

7:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You WOULD do this.
Haha it's kinda interesting though.
If you ever have any good crash stories you should share them. We could compare. I have some good injury stories, just not from cyclocross... :-)

4:55 PM


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