Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15

Adv. US History

finish debates
notes: Roche reading
Federalist #10
debate handout
working bibliography handout

Alfred Young reading from the reader
pp. 128-35
Psychology (15; 20)
Personality theory

defense mechanism quiz
discussion of dreams with analysis
notes: Freud's psychosexual stages of development
discussion: Oedipus complex, penis envy, and the Electra complex

reading: Erikson's stages of development


Anonymous Anonymous said...


McCain got thrashed! It was actually kind of sad to see him get beat up like that, but he deserved it. He looked like he was high on something. Obama won on almost every single issue.

Odd annoyances of the Debate:
Talking to the TV Audience(this is not Mister Obama's Neighborhood)
Whistled S sounds
Interesting facial expressions
Blinked eyes more than naturally possible
Odd snoring sound coming up during both candidates' speeches

Things I don't want to hear ever again in the campaign:
"Joe Six-Pack the Plumber" (He sounds like a more worthy candidate than either Obama or McCain right now)
"My friend"
"That one"
"First off, let me thank..."
"President Bush"

Also, no nuclear power! High risk for not as much reward. IT's not worth it!


Neither candidate is responsible for this posting. I am. I also take credit for the clever format. Also, the somewhat shallow critiques. Hey, I notice what I notice, and since I have no life, I can post it in incredibly long comments on my history teacher's blog. :)

7:49 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I completely disagree. Obama was the one that got beat- nearly every issue, MC McCain was on the offensive.
But then again, only in a Palin-Luangrath admin will the sun ever truly shine on America again.

Although I agree with the "old annoyances" part. That was pretty funny sir.

Currently listening to 'For Emma' by Bon Iver.
Love. It.

See you at conferences tomorrow, what's your name again?

8:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

um Obama got owned.

When Obama was bashing Bush, McCain said "if you wanted to run against Bush you should run four years ago."

That made my day

9:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:07 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I don't respond to anonymous questions.

6:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, are you kidding? Obama came out looking like a president, while McCain looked like he was totally out of it. Obama definitely came off as the stronger candidate. He had a response for everything. And McCain being on the offense is not a good sign for him. It means he's scared because he doesn't have a plan, but he's trying to cover it up.

Memorable McCain Quote:"Zero?"
My Response: "Yes, it's the number that looks like a circle. You know, there were eight of them on the end of the price of your sixth house."

8:13 AM

Blogger luangrath said...

No, not kidding. Not this time.

Obama's responses for 75% of the questions were lackluster at best. He looked incredibly uncomfortable- especially when McCain pointed out that Obama said he would *look* into drilling off shore. His eloquence failed him yesterday.

Granted, McCain's facial expression made him come off as an arrogant jerk but judging from each other's responses, the old guy triumphs this time around.

11:17 AM

Blogger michael newton said...

obama got destroyed. end of story.

11:30 AM

Blogger Casey said...


A zinger does not a debate winner make, and I pray that American voters know that.

Both candidates had their faults, they both said things that were wrong, but McCain had more bumbles then Obama.

Some of the things McCain said were just plain stupid (like letting people become teachers without any kind of certification). And his saying the exact same thing about Obama's economic and health care plans 5 seconds after Obama said that very thing was untrue just made him look either ignorant or senile.

Granted, Obama stumbled too. He misworded his positions on some things (like "looking at" offshore drilling, some McCain did take advantage of for a quick score). Which made him look like he doesn't know his own plans.

McCain did well for the first 30 minutes or so of the debate, but then Obama started to come back and finished as strongly as he's ever finished before. McCain did nothing but get weaker and fall back on repeating the same thing while Obama had moved on.

Polling had already shown that people didn't care about Bill Ayers or ACORN, yet he continued to hammer the point. It also was just plain awkward. He went from Ayers and ACORN to his tax policy (literally) 5 second later.

Polling also showed that by a 2:1 margin, McCain was more negative than Obama. Yet McCain went on to try and blame Obama for the negative tone. Trying directly to fight what 67% of people think is a surefire way to make your numbers drop.

This was McCain's strongest debate, to be sure, but he didn't win. At best he tied, and the only thing a tie does is keep him in the same spot as before the debate. He has 19 days to pick up 8 points nationally (something only ever successfully done once in the past 100 or so years), as well as 19 days to put together a winning electoral map when all the fighting is being done on states George Bush won 4 years ago, states that (nearly) all the polls show Obama with some kind of a lead.

12:06 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I just had the best breakfast ever- 4 eggs, 3 strips of bacon and 2 slices of bread. Yum.

Okay, I'm officially tired of this election. I'm looking forward to seeing who wins and having CNN/MSNBC/FOX/*insert any network here* "political analysts" shut up

Mr Carlisle, you should really watch the movie, Les Choristes- it's in French, but there's English subtitles. It too has an excellent soundtrack.

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think McCain won the debate! His comment to Obama, as mentioned, definitely made my day as well!

And Les Choristes is amazing! I love little Pépinot!

12:27 AM


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