Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cross Crusade Race #2

I should be letting the 2.75 of you that read the blog that I got third place in my race today. Unfortunately, my tubular tire came unglued on the last lap and I was ejected over the handlebars of my bike. No, that's not a picture of me from today, but it's quite similar. Good times. Needless to say I was very angry/disappointed/angry that I wasn't able to finish the race. I was feeling strong and in 3RD PLACE!!! PODIUM! Ugh. Anyhoo, that's racin' I guess.

If I move around the room a little slower than usual tomorrow you will know why. I'm quite sore after my spill. Bike is in the shop getting repaired and should be ready to go for next week's race. I'm about to retire to my couch for the rest of the afternoon.

Lesson of the day, make sure your tires are glued on properly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy maverick, Carlisle! 3rd place?! You're awesome! Did you get a trophy or anything?

2:22 PM

Blogger Dan Millar said...

No alex he didn't get 3rd he would have but he spilled.

I know how you feel Carlisle. Ski racing is the same. All I needed was to put up one more soild time for slalom and i would be headed to state but i hooked a gate in a 5gate flush (the meanest thing ever invented) and went down hard. No trip to state that year.

2:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya i noticed the guy in the pic did not have glasses smashed into his face!! so not you. but are you all decked out in that tight spandex racing suit stuff?? and do you have like sponsers and stuff. that is awesome haha

3:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah man that is such a bummer. Well atleast you race every weekend, you have plenty of chances for revenge. Rest up.

3:25 PM

Blogger nicki r. said...

Wow bummer Carlisle, but at least you have next weekend and the other races after that to get them.

4:19 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Alex I wish!

Dan, you know how I feel today. I hate that feeling. I keep replaying the race over and over in my mind. I get disgusted each time.

Mitchell and Nikki,

Thanks. You guys sound like my teammates.


I'm not sponsored but I'm on a team that is sponsored by a local shop. No skin suit for me, however, I do have a team jersey. I will get the full kit later this year. I just joined the team late in the summer.

5:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww crap. I can't read. Sorry.

Well, that's so stupid. You're obviously good enough to be in the top 3 [out of what, 1 katrillion racers?], so that's still awesome! I hope you told the guy that was behind you that he better not get used to being on the podium, cause next race--CARLISLE IS GOING TO DOMINATE!

5:05 PM

Blogger Dan Millar said...

Your teammates sound so much nicer than mine.
John sarvay just made fun of me.

5:11 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Aw, I'm sorry Carlisle!
*mental hug*

(because a real hug would be weird you know)

I understand that feeling- believe me, I get it a lot, especially when I do a crappy job when I play sports (which is pretty often..)

5:20 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Thanks for your support ladies.

5:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what's worse, you crashing your bike, or the fact that I'm looking at your blog on a Sunday evening. I'm going to go with the bike thing though, because by being in IB, I've already proved my life means little to me. See you tomorrow, and I hope you feel better!

6:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

CARLISLE!!!!!!!!! The quiz tomorrow on DEFENSE MECHINISMS, how is it going to be? Matching, fill-in the blank, short answer?? Help a nerd out.


6:57 PM

Blogger Allie said...

We need to set up the Carlisle Cheerleaders or something. And go cheer really loudly for him. With like...war paint and stuff.
Wouldn't that be amazing?

7:02 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


No quiz tomorrow. It's Wednesday. I will describe said quiz tomorrow in class.


I'm speechless.

8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, sorry Carlisle!

And Narintohn, you always rock at everything you do, especially sports.
You're really too hard on yourself

8:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job on the third place mr. C! u wer saying u raced in class c or something...when will u move up a class?

Ian McGetrick

10:21 PM

Blogger Karen Sesnon said...

Wow, sad news. I'm sorry to hear it, and I understand as I've fallen off my bike many times with far less worthy excuses. You are still a winner to your fan club!

6:52 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Awwww, thanks Karen!

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW...thts a bummer!! If only whoever glued ur tires was more precise or w/e!!

4:18 PM


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