Tuesday, November 04, 2008
About Me
- Name: Mr. Carlisle
- Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
haha what a joke....Palin 2012? more like Obama wins by even more than he did against mccain
8:25 PM
Uh, see blog.
I make a more accurate prediction.
8:33 PM
Palin 2012, no way. That is never going to happen.
9:10 PM
Any word on the Smith v Merkeley cage match?
9:14 PM
Palin is definitely not done in politics. I bet she will run in 2012, however I'm not sure if the Republicans will take a chance with her. It is possible though, don't rule it out yet. A lot can happen in 4 years and there are some die hard Palin fans out there.
9:15 PM
9:18 PM
Like me.
Really though, I heard that Merkley (sp?) beat Smith? Is that the word on the street?
9:19 PM
Merkley won luangrath.
I think Palin will atempt to run, but won't get to be the republican candidate. She'll be blamed for McCain's failure.
9:21 PM
Merkley is the likely winner.
9:54 PM
How many Dems for it to be filibuster-proof?
9:57 PM
60 seats. I don't think the Dems are going to get it. However, Obama has a huge mandate from the American people. This is a sea change election.
10:00 PM
I like the new picture by the way. Good choice, young grasshopper.
10:03 PM
I may have to pull a Rocky IV and run through mountains and snow until I am in peak physical condition...then arrive at the White House to personally remove Sarah Palin from the oval office. I will not stick around if she becomes president. I love her spunky personality and the overall positive spirit she brings to debates, but she does not have near enough experience and knowledge to run this country.
Gahh, I think I just pulled a Joe Biden! :O
"I love John McCain, now this is the guy I'd take a bullet for this guy...but seriously, he's just plain crazy!"
6:22 PM
Another comment of the HOF.
7:45 PM
or she could sponser beauty pagents for the rest of her life.
10:59 AM
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