Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Adv. US History

Slavery in America

primary source: O,P,V,L
Part A information
notes: "A Troublesome Property"

Ralph Morrow reading: The Proslavery Argument


Blogger luangrath said...

Do you happen to listen to Travis or The National?

5:30 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Negative. I really, really, really don't like the singer's voice for The National. Sorry.

5:47 PM

Blogger Mr. Caro said...

Aaaah, could I please get some help with my IA? I need the following tomorrow, preferably during your lunch:

What is the "IA"?
I am thinking about Ufology.


6:05 PM

Blogger luangrath said...


I'm going to send you part A of the IA in pdf form. My first sentence sounds weird - can you help me fix it? I had a hard time wording it.

6:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narintohn, why do you keep changing your picture? I can't keep up with all these different images. Also, when did Blogger start capitalizing what is put in the name area?

P.S. My Word Verification was "dialing". Real-word WV's are awesome.

6:29 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Carsh- I do what I want. I answer to no one. See you at the meeting tonight.

Ok, IA Part A is sent.

and a Happy 74th to Frank "Better than Blitzer" Caro!

6:37 PM


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