Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Women's rights

I think this horrific story is incredibly relevant since we will be discussing women's rights on Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea, thats a wonderful tale. i cant belive the guys on the motorcycles got away, there must not have been alot of people in the area, or you would think they would have come to the girls aid sooner

8:23 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

Well they were on motorcycles so they could have just sped away and hid after the attack. However, to me it's definitely more disturbing that the men would do something like this in the first place than that they got away with it.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stories like this really make me angry/upset. I mean seriously how low can you get to blind innocent school girls. come. on. And stuff like this happens a lot im sure, and if it was a crime because of the dislike of women attending the school or not, it isnt right.

now im in a bad mood... :(

9:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s.(not saying that this exact kind of attack happens a lot but crimes in the same context...)

and it makes it worse because of the fact that those guys will probobly never be caught.

9:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just lost a little faith in society. I can't beleive taht anyone would stoop so low as to do such a thing. I hope they find those bikers and give them what they deserve.

6:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I was so distraught, I didn't even spell "believe" or "that" correctly in my original post. That's how bad this is.

6:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


ok i have also been wondering how they come up with the verification letters! they always make up like some word or somthing. mine for this post is, "hipom"

6:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:26 PM


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