IA update
Since this week's weather is CRAZY, who knows what's going to happen in school. Everyone maintain the mindset that the IA is due this FRIDAY. Here's a link that can help you out with a basic grammar rule.
Final reading assignment for Unit 5 is from the text: pp. 390-94.
Hey is it bad to have over a thousand word part b without citing sources
3:36 PM
Is it a general "rule" that any number 20 and over can be written as a number and not as the word?
3:38 PM
I believe so Narintohn.
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You didn't cite in Part B?!?! If that's the case you have a SERIOUS, SERIOUS problem.
3:42 PM
no i cited but it over a thousand word without counting citations
4:04 PM
4:13 PM
I just checked the district web page and it officially says that there is no school tomorrow!!!
4:41 PM
I am going to email you my IA RD today, but I've been editing my part IA... and part B is super long...like 1000 words long...
:( any tips on how to cut it down?
2:07 PM
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