Thursday, December 04, 2008

Psychology---3rd Period



Anonymous Anonymous said...

nononononono cassie carter is not a hipster

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nsah, Carter is not a hipster, she's close but not quite.


Mr. Carlisle, I have come down with strep throat and wont be in school tomorow. Is there a way to arrange a makeup test for me so that my grade doesn't plummit even more?

My parents are taking me to the doctor tomorow to get medicine. The reason why we know it's strep is because of the fact that I'm prone to it, both of my parents can identify the symptoms quickly.

If there is a way for me to make up the test please contact me quickly. I would like to do the test either the day I get back to school or the day after.

I'm sorry about missing class, I really, really, really hate missing any school.

I'll try to get notes from Dan if I miss more than one day.

Julia out.

PS: Just so you know my last name is Niemeyer (for future refrences) My email is

3:22 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I'm sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope you feel better soon. If you're back at school on Tuesday you can make up the exam then. We have late start on Tuesday and I don't have any meetings Tuesday morning before first period. I'm at school by 7:15 that day. Come in then. One more thing, email me so I can send you the homework tomorrow.

3:36 PM

Blogger hiro.n said...

wow this person has a lot of different features to them. I'm sorry to say but your discription of this person is incorrect. And as everyone else says, Cassie Carter is not a hipster. She's much cooler. =] anyway, i can see a lot of what you meant to say by the discription. I believe that these types of people are just trying to set themselves apart from society, and dress differently as such. Sort of like metrosexuals. they have their own styles. the one thing that i know that you've said is the fact that they are definately a group. they seem to want to relay a message to the people. Maybe a message like "Hey, I'm cool and differnt and i;m starting a trend." that message i think is what made other people go through the same path. groups are kinda strange things... =]

11:05 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

uh Hiro Nukaga is definitely a part of the hipster alliance for the betterment of mankind and skinny jeans

4:40 PM

Blogger hiro.n said...

sure i am...
all of my skinny jeans and metrosexual clothing that sets me apart...

6:50 PM


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