Wednesday, March 04, 2009

It's all over in 2010. It was a fun ride.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey at least we don't get stuck with Canada.

4:35 PM

Blogger AC said...

I'd rather be owned by Japan.

4:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd move to Europe, or at least the East coast. Maybe Canadia territory, i dunno, those Canadians are shifty fellas

4:56 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

I'll be a Chinese American in Chinese territory.

5:25 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

hmm, i think this whole thing is very unlikely. especially now that america knows of this prediction lol. im wondering if canada will become more under american influance rather than that part of america becoming part of canadian influance.

5:52 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Would I be able to extend on my DuBois IA for my EE next year?

The EEs are how many words again?

And regarding the picture: :-(

6:04 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I believe so. The suggested word count is between 3-4K words. The minimum is 3K. This does not include the table of contents and abstract.

Several of us in the social studies department will be pushing for diploma candidates to have a topic selected before school gets out. I will expect a rough draft in my hands on the first day of school next year. Same will be true for IB Psych as well.

6:30 PM

Blogger Connor O. said...

The California Republic, that would be awesome. Except for the whole owned-by-China thing. Why don't we just elect Arnold as our president and secede?

7:51 PM

Blogger Ben Harbolt said...

I like what this guy posted to the comment on the blog where you found this.

Randolph Ortlieb
Hilarious. I doubt this 'professor' has ever been to the U.S. to gauge the mood of the public. If civil war is imminent, I wonder who will be the general for the California Republic - oh I know - Arnold!! LOL

I doubt that we will fall under other countries rule. Americans would never let that happen we like having our freedoms to much. Also Texas took Mexico by its self once before I think they could do it again.

7:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, I don't know if I would like to become a communist. I hear they only wear red?

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

not gonna happen peopple!

7:06 AM


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