Monday, March 02, 2009

Adv. US History


groups present information on immigrant groups
notes: Immigration and Nativism

Palmer reading: Reluctanct Hosts


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle -
I found out some good stuff about when my grandparents immigrated.

They came over in 1959 so at the end of WWII. My grandpa born in Germany, but he grew up in the Ukraine. When the German troops invaded, he was forced into the German army as an airplane inspector. (I just found that interesting). My grandma had stayed home with my aunt who was born in Germany. My Grandpa's brother was already here in the U.S. and he wanted my grandparents to get out of Germany ASAP. So they got on a boat and landed on Ellis Island just like everyone else. Then they immediately came out to Portland where his brother was living, and he helped them get settled. They lived in NE Portland but my mom grew up there and she says it wasn't mainly Ukrainians lving there. Anyways, my grandparents went to a Russian Orthodox church I believe. I hope this answered your questions that I couldn't answer in class today.

9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this Deanna Patterson? Thats so cool! Is your family really cultural? Bilingual?

2:39 PM


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