Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adv. US History

Great Depression

DBQ prep sheet
notes: Canada and the Depression (final notes on this subject!!)
graded discussion: New Deal (20 points for written responses and 20 points for graded discussion; absent students must turn in their written responses or they will receieve a score of zero)

study for ID exam--will take place in the last half of the class tomorrow


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't what you want to hear, but the Trackletes will be leaving class at 1:45 on Thursday. And I think Varsity Trackletes leave at 1:30 on Friday, but you'd have to ask Ian or someone about that.

7:34 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Ugh. I'm for all sports but this is getting old. Please remind me tomorrow so I can give you all the second reading that will help you prepare for the DBQ essay. Please make sure you get the notes you will miss on Thursday.

7:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will do, sir.

9:38 PM


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