Saturday, April 25, 2009

Not trying to make anyone feel inadequate

Impressive feat of perfection.


Blogger AC said...

I am now feeling a certain element of inadequacy. :(

9:51 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Cheer up buttercup, you will be working for that young woman one day!

11:04 AM

Blogger luangrath said...

Alexander you missed like 2 questions on the PSAT.

I like your new picture Mr Carlisle. You're looking good.

11:12 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Why thank you little lady.

11:27 AM

Blogger Joseph said...

Mr. Carlisle bringing the sass today. That is very impressive to get 100%. However I think it would be more interesting to see if anyone has ever gotten a 0%. Someone would have to be at least of moderate intelligence to recognize correct answers and purposely avoid them on every question.

1:49 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I could think of a few former students who could earn a zero percent.

2:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally expected it to say "She plans to attend community college."

5:44 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

Just to verify for OHP:
-word count minimum is 1500 for subject's story and 500 for personal reflection, correct?

9:06 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


9:36 PM

Anonymous V's words said...


I would KILL for a PERFECT score on those tests. That way my parents wouldn't be constantly on my back to keep my head surrounded in practice tests and books to get ready for it.

11:34 AM

Blogger tiffany. said...

She is amazing.

2:11 PM

Blogger michael newton said...

for ohp, do we have to have a picture?

4:28 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

It would be nice but it's not required. Just get your verification formed signed.

4:29 PM

Blogger luangrath said...


I think you get 200 simply for being there. That's why the average score per section is 500 (because of the 200-800 range).

6:09 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

Thank you Narintohn.

8:53 PM

Blogger Dan Millar said...

i think we need to check her for doping, cause that kind of perfection is freaking imposible. and hows it going calisle's class it been a long time since i last got on the blog.

3:34 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


My favorite Canadian of all time. How you doing?

6:17 PM


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