Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think this is a great cartoon:


Blogger Joseph said...

This a level 7 because it is in color and has a pirate in it.

8:27 PM

Anonymous Mitchell Dean said...

this is funny. It's kinda ridiculous how big of a deal Obama's dog is

8:52 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


It's easily a level 12.34.

10:19 PM

Blogger AC said...

Carlisle, level 12.34 is reserved for pictures of hobo pirates kidnapping Chinese water deer. I believe this cartoon is a level11.398.

P.S. Water deer are real. They look like American deer with huge fangs. Look it up on Google or Wikipedia if you don't believe me. Or head to the Smithsonian.

6:47 AM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

is this a political cartoon just because it has obamas name in it? btw, i dont think that obama really got a dog, i think he just makes sure people take pictures of him with the dog to make it look like they own one. a dog in the white house, ridiculus

6:20 PM

Blogger AC said...

A lot of Presidents have owned pets, and not just dogs. They have this whole thing about White House pets at a Visitor Center I went to when I was in D.C.

This cartoon's political focus is also not just on the dog. I is also referencing the hostage situation with the pirates that was (is?) going on.

6:40 AM

Anonymous Adam said...

This picture reminds me of my favorite political cartoon I've seen so far. Check it out.

8:12 PM


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