Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another reason why I don't race my road bike


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely terrifying. My friend and I used to see how fast we could make it to the grocery store from our houses, and one time we both made it to the crosswalk at the same time and had to stop, and she crashed into me--not pretty. And that's only one bike...sheesh.

5:49 PM

Anonymous victor G said...

Carlisle!!! I'm so pumped for my speech!!! My interviewee stopped by and gave me a folder full of pictures and a super big surprise!! I'm gonna need to talk to you about my speech tomorrow!! OH MAN IM SO PUMPED!!!!!

7:14 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Roger that.


Your enthusiasm is why I LOVE the Oral History paper. Come by before first period if you would like.

8:02 PM

Anonymous V's words said...

That looks painful!!!....Have you experienced that kind of collision before?!

10:03 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


10:19 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

bikes with thin wheels look scary. i think ima stick with my big thick mountain bike wheels.

6:16 PM


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