Monday, May 11, 2009


What if scenario for a nuclear blast in NYC. Quite chilling. Post your thoughts please.


Anonymous Victor said...

Wow, Almost 3 million fatalities. Thats crazy! And i had no idea that skin color had an effect on the outcome.

3:46 PM

Blogger AC said...

To be honest, your skin is probably not going to be a deciding factor in whether you live or not. While lighter skin and clothing would cause less heat to be absorbed, the difference to me seems negligible. You'd still be stuck in a flaming radioactive inferno region of death. Not good.

5:04 PM

Anonymous navas said...

i agree with AC. death does not sound fun and if NYC were to blow up mass panic would happen everywhere and everything wouldjust get worse.

5:40 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

world war three would happen.

6:46 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

i think that its really sad that someone would take the time to write this. whats the point?

at least the majority of the people will survive ^^
i would very much like to be the one underground...i would also very much like to be in a lead plated room to avoid radiation from the astoriod that will be passing by soon so that i dont turn into a zombie(not really).

i would think the worst part would be the radiation sickness. i would either want to be underground, or be right below it so i die instantly

6:56 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I personally wouldn't care. Sorry to be blunt, but it won't happen and if it does, then it is the end of the world because our own nukes will be launched so goddam quickly that the world would end by the end of the hour. So really, it doesn't matter. At that point in time New York would be the least of our concerns... I would start driving to Canada though. Less likely to get nuked :)

7:08 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's terrifying how many people would be killed in such a small radius. If it would have been proposed to me in conversation, I would have thought "Well, that's only one city. A few people die. Some buildings fall." But seeing this and hearing how long it would take to recover from something like that...that's just terrible.

7:11 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I mean if we have a population of 6.5 billion (its probably higher) than 3 million people is 0.046% of the human population. That is such an insignificant number. Sorry, but people are really almost nothing more than statistics to me

7:18 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

In my humble opinion, I think people get some sort of sick pleasure from writing that kind of stuff up and putting it on the web.

7:22 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Let's leave the profanity out of the comments please. I will start taking your philosophy about humans to heart. All 57 of my IB history students are nothing but statistics to me. Wow, I feel much better now...


Are you referring to the scenario or Erik's comments? If you are referring to the scenario I would like to direct you to the website, atomic archive for more information. It's a great site with lots of great information about nuclear weapons.

7:56 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry carlisle. Won't do it again.

And I would be concerned if Washington DC got nuked. Purely for strategic reasons and that the US would plunge into anarchy or dictatorship

8:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

and 57 people is 0.0000008769% of the human population

8:02 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Um, Erik I think that your last comment just summed up the point that Carlisle was trying to make..

8:09 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

Oh, Carlisle I was referring the atomic archive thing. Like, I think their predictions are probably legit and that the impact of a nuclear attack is very real but I still think it's weird that they would present the info the way they did- I mean, it's 9 "pages" long with a crap ton of detail. I'm like, I get it, very bad stuff happens.

Am I totally off in saying that? I really don't think people type that without feeling a sense of "pleasure".

Or maybe I'm totally off..

8:30 PM

Blogger Connor O'Shea said...

What is wrong with you? Politics, money, and strategy over human life is the main cause of problems in the world. Take a look around yourself. You sound like a Nazi.
Anyway, I agree, this would be the end of the world. Sad day.

"We don't want no nucleaaaaar warrrrr" - Peter Tosh

8:53 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You are no longer Erik to me. You are now .00000000002598


I disagree. I think it's incredibly informative to know the realities of nuclear weapons and their effects, especially considering how close we came to thermonuclear war in 1962.

I understand your point that the information is a bit much, but terrorists would love to get their hands on some loose nukes. I would love to see a world without nuclear weapons. However, once we let that genie out of the bottle in 1945 I don't think there is any going back.

I think Oppenheimer's words sum it up best, "... now I become Death, Shiva, destroyer of worlds."

8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*wishes erik would stop saying that he would move to canada

9:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Wishes Erik WOULD move to Canada so we can HAVE peace here!!!

9:50 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

lol I don't take offense to any of the comments except for the one about Canada.
Moving to Canada is the solution to all problems. They are clearly superior to the United States in all aspects except military. They have universal health care, their economy has not declined as significantly as ours, and Canadians are cooler people than us Americans. Plus I have relatives up there.

And in response to Connor, that was just a statement on which city would be worst to get bombed on the assumption that the world did not get destroyed within an hour of the initial explosion.

And I know my comments may seem unhumanistic and appalling, but there is no denying the logic behind what I say. The truth is rather blunt at times after all.

9:58 PM

Blogger Connor O. said...

Logic is not truth. And basing all your reasoning on the fatality of New York getting nuked and putting it against the full human population is not logic. I see flaws in your reasoning. New York is a haven for culture, business, and many other things, the heart and soul of the United States. The consequence of such a strike would not only be devastating to the world economy and stability, it would be devastating to the beauty of the universe.
Good night.

10:13 PM

Blogger luangrath said...


Just kidding.

10:51 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I don't deny any of that, I simply say that it wouldn't matter, and if by some abysimmaly (I don't think I spelled that word right) small chance the world wasn't destroyed rapidly after this explosion than it could have been a lot worse. it could have been los angeles, or worst off, washington DC

11:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Canada is a perfect, beautiful paradise full of perfect, beautiful people.

Perfect, beautiful, jobless people. Just like America. The recession is worldwide--and while we may be hit more than many other places, it doesn't make us terrible, "uncool" people. We are no less perfect than any other country hit by this recession.

And a total destruction of New York City wouldn't matter?! The Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty, and the new World Trade Center building (assuming the attack happens in 3 years or more) would all be destroyed. These buildings are known world-wide. How could their destruction not matter? Not to mention the national/world news stations and Times Square and Wall Street would all be destroyed, as well. How would any of this not matter?! The practically 3 million lives that were destroyed instantly from a nuclear weapon...they don't matter? How can you even have the heart to say any of this?

"The truth is rather blunt sometimes." Yes, I completely agree. That is only if what you are saying happens to be the truth. Otherwise, you just sound absolutely ridiculous.

8:44 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I'm over the anonymous attacks on Erik. If you disagree with him at least have the courage to post a comment with your name, he did.

8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gahh, I cleared my saved passwords earlier so it didn't automatically log me in. Sorry, I thought I was already logged into my gmail account. Anyways, I, Alex Hill, posted that last comment.

9:24 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

I couldn't agree more with Alex's comment.

10:18 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Thanks Alex!!

10:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I just typed a really long comment that responded to everything with extreme eloquence, and the stupid computer wouldn't let me post it :(

I think I'm too lazy to type it again. Alex, if you want the response just ask me tomorrow.

7:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst is when you type up a long e-mail or something, and then it fails to send or your computer shuts off. Then I have to reply with "Umm sorry but I don't want to re-type my response..." which is just lame! So no worries.

9:08 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I've never had to push my eloquence to the extreme before

9:29 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Well when you are defending the stance of 3,000,000 people dead as not mattering it helps to be extremely eloquent.

5:04 PM


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