Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The future is now, and it's neon! If you're looking for a fun and fast workout to burn off those "chicken" sandwiches from the cafeteria, look no further!


Anonymous erika said...

oh my god how did you find this?!! i want her outfit and i am definately putting the "play the guitar" move in my next dance routine. I think the best part though was when she switched to color and strutted over to the gals. Thank you for the educational video.

4:55 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

me and my dad watched this together. this is what he had to say through the course of the video, " is not happening is it? that a leotard? people shouldent...ewwww". and i would have to agree with his, ummmm statment. btw, you need to start calling random people guys and gals during all of your classes. i think it would be an interesting switch.

9:23 PM

Anonymous TUcker said...

why are all your videos work out ones carlisle? are you trying to lose a few?

10:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I've already started the POW diet. My kohlrabi and rice was delish!

10:29 PM

Blogger Karen Sesnon said...

Any chance you and Mr. Wilson are going to post the transcript of the senior speech? Some people like to print paper copies of documents to store for many years with the intention of reading and re-reading them to gain further insight and wisdom as the years pass.....

Either way, was terrific.

6:10 AM


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