Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is texting affecting your mental health?


Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha wow just this morning I was talking with a friend about how texting is going to lead to a thumb-crippled generation of Americans. haha

6:37 PM

Anonymous Ben Hawken said...

I blame our school system. If they taught the dangers of texting in health class, we would all be safer.

Mrs. Edtl is the reason I don't do drugs.

7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was too busy Twittering and updating my Facebook status and Skyping and texting 30 of my closest friends to read this article. Sorry!

7:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I'm not proud but... I double that amount of texts a month and definitly double, maybe even triple that amount of texts a day and I've never had sore thumbs in my life. If it was a danger to you, I would be in a hospital on life support right now, the only way(that I can see or think of) texting can harm a person physically is by the vibration being too close to your sperm cells or whatever the scientific terms are.

Mentally though that's another story. Maybe if someone doesn't text you back quick enough or someone pushes down on your slider phone right before you send your 3 page text or maybe you can't figure out how to spell that word that your text NEEDS to make sense, these are things that can definitely send you spiraling into a massive nervous breakdown, take my word for it I've been in IB psychology.

10:51 PM

Anonymous navas said...

if its free and helps us in the future to prepare for our imminent doom of a completely nonsocial carrer in front of a coputer slowly growing into an obeis blob from lack of movement, then whats the problem?

10:59 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

I think I send and receive literally 25 texts per year.

11:16 PM

Blogger luangrath said...

What can I say, I'm a big fan of the spoken word.

11:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, texting is bad for your health and it socially handicaps you. I know some one very near and dear to me who is a recovering texaholic. She averaged about 10,000 a month!

2:16 AM

Blogger AC said...

I personally do not text (I don't even have a phone to text with), so I was unaware of how bad the situation has gotten.

I'm somewhat surprised that they haven't issued a similar thumb health advisory for excessive video game playing.

6:37 AM

Anonymous niloofar jahangiri said...

that is not entirly true, however my favorite part of that article was "That’s going to cause sleep issues in an age group that’s already plagued with sleep issues" becasue in our case it so true! i have friends who text until 2 in the morning i mean come on people do you really care what they have to say when your that sleepy?!!!

3:22 PM

Anonymous Mitchell Dean said...

well i am above average texting per month and i don't think i have any of those symptoms maybe thumb pain some times. i think it is making our thumbs stronger and it will help the US win more olympic events by adding thumb wrestling when we have all grown with massive thumb muscles.

Teachers being oblivious to texting?? not you Carlisle you bust like 8 people a day haha

7:38 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


One must remain ever vigilant against the texters.

9:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narintohn you don't even have texting! That would be why you don't send/receive texts! :O

10:51 PM

Anonymous erika said...

alright the last paragraph was random for the article and made me laugh. texting is good its how my mom communicates when she is at work, my dad texts me, it s practically the only way my sister and i talk keeping us in touch more than without it, and my grandpa even texts me. i admit i text a lot and i can text a lot faster than i can type on the computer but that is because i do nothing on the computer but email and homework. i dont text in class and those that do are just hurtin themselves so i dont see the issue.

However i do admit i got my phone takin away once for i dont even know what and couldnt text and it was pathetically painful

12:31 AM

Anonymous kari jenson said...

i think texting will be a problem for our generation but i dont think its just texting...its all of the communication via text including facebook, skype, myspace, any messenger, twitter, whatever. people want to be connected instantly, all the time and cant wait. its true that when you receive a message, whatever thought you were having is now gone. i cant imagine sending 10,000+ texts a month... with my plan, 1000 is the most they offer and i have to share that...

9:46 PM


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