Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vietnam War

Vietcong Tunnels. Amazing pictures!


Anonymous K Hortsch said...

Wow, that's some crazy stuff right there. Hard to believe that those tunnels were just like a mini city, housing 10,000 people. I can't imagine living down there...going to school underground does not sound appealing

3:43 PM

Anonymous SidneyTan said...

i think that's the most awesome thing ever! that'd be so cool to do something like this here in Tigard. Summer is in a couple weeks! who wants to dig tunnels linking our houses together???

5:47 PM

Blogger Joseph said...

I'm in. And I call my house being the main hub.

6:41 PM

Blogger tiffany. said...

I would have to say that it's amazing how these things are built under Saigon. My dad never told me about these, I'm not even sure if he knew about them, but the did know about their caves. But the caves did look like those underground tunnels, where there would be a place to meet and talk.

And, South Vietnamese still do call Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon.

And man, I cant believe that soldiers lived down there. After my trip to Vietnam, I think that I rather die than live down there. The humidity is so gross, and it's super hot. It's not even cold at night in the summer!
The winter in Vietnam is like not even cold, its about 60 degrees. Props to those VCs for surviving down there, and in their super small caves.

7:14 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Well it would probably be cooler down in the tunnels, but ya that would suck.

That is an amazing system. The Vietcong have won my respect.

7:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These look like little mole burrows! :] But seriously, these were very well designed--and it is no wonder that their guerrilla tactics worked so well. There is no way that the United States would have been able to fight against that!

7:43 PM

Anonymous Huy said...

been there done that...

i been there like 2 time...the biggest tunnel right now is in củ chi district in Hồ Chí Minh city.

...they got like the whole shebang in there...a gun range ( freaking 1 buck for a bullet)... a place to display bombs and booby traps. erm..a crater left by a B52 bomb and a destroyed tank in the middle of the way.

then the tunnel...it got a conference room, a bed room, kitchen. everything but i didn't have enough time to explore the whole tunnel. they got light bulbs in there..so people can see. they made the entrance bigger...so the tourist can get in...use to be super small...

and...its cool down there...its pretty comfortable except for the smell...smells like wet dirt...

10:00 PM

Blogger earth ryu (will dewald) said...

if not for the fact that they were underground, and it was prob really dirty and smelly, it looks fun. like imaginative drawings done by kids for a club house or something. that air raid shelter doesnt look big enough for all those people btw.

10:24 PM

Anonymous Tuckercong said...

submerged entrance!?!? is that like lost where you swim under water and it opens up into the tunnels? freakn awesome! and the bicyle-powered hospital is pretty fly as well.

10:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was impressed seeing the tunnels the Japanese built in Letters from Iwo Shima but these tunnels make those look like they were playing in the sand at the beach.

These guys were eating roots, drinking green tea, hunched over for hours at a time, sweating 10 times their body weight, AND they still had enough strength to fight off and kill thousands of pissed off sweaty American Soldiers. That's insane.

10:43 PM

Anonymous navas said...

i could imagine at first this sounds like a really good idea, but im not going to lie, living under ground for to long would drive me crazy. my perfect tan wuld disapear and we"d all lose our ability to see and grow large teeth through some weird underground evelution!

ok maybe not but if theres a flood, as there well could be living in oregon, we would all be gonners-except for the hobo americans who obviously wouldnt be able to afford living under ground.

11:11 PM

Anonymous erika said...

these are crazy!! it would be so creepy down there. Showed my grandpa he told me he read a book about the tunnels before ha oh geez

12:35 AM


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