Tuesday, September 15, 2009

IB History Students

What do you think of this source?


Anonymous Kaitlyn Mullaly said...

I think it would be a good source except the plane kind of looks photoshopped in...

4:03 PM

Blogger Tyler Ross said...

The shadows don't look quite right...

4:42 PM

Blogger Robby Dusevoir said...

That is an awesome picture. It gives me chills haha.

4:42 PM

Blogger Kyler Garcia said...

i havent seen that image before. now i have, and i find it sorta funny

6:49 PM

Blogger Rimma said...

1. You can see the pixels around the date on the bottom corner. That means it was probably edited on Paint. At least that bit was.
2. The coloring/shading of the airplane is brighter. The photo resolution on the nose of the plane is more defined than the rest of the photo.
Fake photograph. But very cool, nonetheless.

7:21 PM

Anonymous Emily Crosswhite said...

Would someone really stop to take a picture on the top of a building while a plane is coming right at it??? I know I wouldn't.

7:38 PM

Anonymous Gavin said...

I think i've seen the same photo on the front of the National Enquirer where you could see Bigfoot in the cockpit.

8:11 PM

Anonymous Austin said...

Haha its Austin. Anybody else hear about what Obama said about Kanye West? Very very funny. Its probably on youtube by now so look it up.

8:36 PM

Anonymous Chelsea P. said...

How did they get this picture developed if the plane is coming right at him?????

8:55 PM

Blogger Sonya N. said...

Shouldn't the plane be casting a shadow on the building under it? Also, I agree with Rimma about the date and the coloring.

9:01 PM

Anonymous Mary Chabreck said...

This picture is definately photoshopped or whatever it is that the person does with their free time. Just take a moment to consider the following: How is it possible that a picture taken on the roof moments before the hit, was able to be developed? The guy that took it wouldn't be able to develop it, nor could the guy getting his picture taken ;and the chances of the camera surviving and being found on top of that are slim to none.

9:23 PM

Anonymous Yadira Trujillo said...

I do not think it is a primary source photo. Why is the plane not blury like the rest of the city? And I agree with some other fellow peers, why would you be taking a picture while a plane is coming towards it? I totally think it it photoshop.

9:45 PM

Anonymous Cam Nhung said...

why and how did the man stand up there without being scared of the plane thats about to crash? He actually had the time to stand there and take a photograph of the plane before it crash landed. Thats amazing.

9:47 PM

Blogger katiemarie35 said...

How do you take someones picture and not notice that there is a plane flying right at you?

10:15 PM

Anonymous Max said...

Even though it is photoshopped thats still a pretty intense picture.

10:17 PM

Anonymous Jeremy Sarvay said...

I agree with everything Mary says. There's no chance this picture is legit. photoshopped. good work to the guy who created this though. he must have a lot of free time on his hands.

10:33 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

How would they get the camera down?

11:22 AM

Blogger HiroN. said...

wow. the photographer is PRO and must be some sort of being with wings. C(X anyway, the photo was obviously photoshopped, as described by Rimma. I think it was a nice try though. LOL

8:22 PM

Anonymous Jeff Robinson said...

i think it looks cool, butn i dont see the shadow that dont look right. i think its fake cuz at the bottom right it says 9am, and i think it happened around 7 or 8

7:21 AM

Anonymous Jeff Robinson said...

o and how would the camera survive

7:23 AM

Anonymous Brett said...

I wouln't trust it because there is no way that the camera survived. It is a cool pic though

2:55 PM

Anonymous Stephanie Everson said...

I would assume that this picture is photoshopped, since I know I would not stop and take a picture of a plane comming right at me?

8:40 PM

Blogger Allie said...

This was very photoshopped.

8:41 AM

Anonymous Jeffrey Beltran said...

I took the Pic

9:27 PM


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