Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Adv. US History

The New US Gov't

group time (5-10 mins)
Hamilton and TJ groups present
notes: The Rise of Political Parties and Westward Expansion

Text pp. 230-34
**BRING SAMPLE IAs on Thursday**


Blogger Daniel said...

I know I didn't do as well as I normally do on the reading quiz. I had trouble focusing on the text last night. I remembered the Alien act was about immigrant deportation, but I totally spaced on the Sedition Act (which should have been easy cause it was a totalitarian policy). Anyways, I'm angry at myself for having trouble in other classes for not noticing, or remembering the details. I think in bullet points so it's hard for me to get details, especially if they're not adequately verbalized verbalized (English class).

6:16 PM

Blogger Rimma said...

9:19 PM


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