February 15
IB US History
Gilded Age
Washington vs. DuBois graded discussion
US History
Creating a New Gov't
Quiz on 5:1
return Godilocks essays and discuss results
discuss: Creating the Constitution and Ratifying the Constitution (5:2/5:3 RG)
video: Creating the Constitution
primary vs. secondary source activity
At the end of the discussion there was something else I wanted to say but didn't get the chance. Another way that has changed peoples views on homosexuals is them being protrayed into tv shows. I watch Glee and they have 2 gay couple that go through struggles but are also supported by family, friends and some members of their society. I think that when you are more exposed to things you being to understand them more and I think that that is happening through media including the news and tv shows.
3:28 PM
Don't forget about Modern Family!
4:48 PM
since i was donating blood during the discussion, there were some things that were not able to be said by me. One thing i wanted to say was when we were talking about self segregation i think it has to deal with schemas, the people have not gotton enough exposser to that particular race there for will tend to discriminate against them, without enough exposer the person will develop a negative schema of that particular group, and this is why i believe the point of Full IB is to broden our comfort zones while also meeting new and different types of people.
Another point i wanted to make was, when the debate reached the topic of whether or not Washington caved too much i think it is just like union and corporates, by this i mean when business owners and unions members bargained, the business owners had to be carefull not to cave too much to the workers, and tying back to washington i believed he caved to much and figurativly bowed down to the whites, he could have fought more however he was willing to cave..
11:00 PM
Washington and DuBois both had the vision for equality for the African Americans however i believe that in the end DuBois had the better philosophy between the two of the leaders. I believe this because DuBois had the philosophy to fight for equality and not go backwards in momentum like washington's philosophy was doing for the African American's.
11:08 PM
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