Sunday, March 11, 2012 presents Japan One Year Later Japan One Year Later


Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

That makes you think of how lucky you are to have a roof over your head and food to eat.

7:46 PM

Anonymous Danielle Y. said...

Thomas, very, very true. I have a lot of friends in Japan, and all of them have been affected by the tsunami and the aftermath in some way. I lost family in the tragedy, and a few friends still remain homeless. This year's Japan Night donations are going to go to helping Japan (cash donations anyone?). It's honestly very, very upsetting. < You could say I'm Japanese.

The aftermath of the tsunami is still very harsh (as can be seen in the video), and the people of Japan still need help.

Among the Japanese families that were affected, American families were too. People can't ignore this.

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still remember the night this happened, i was working on an easay and my heart got struck by the news of this. So tragic...

10:27 PM

Blogger Alyssa Chamberlin said...

This really makes me think about how often people say "oh this could never happen to me" and yet thousands of people die because of natural disasters.

9:35 PM


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