Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Canada's Currency Coup
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Anonymous Madison Clayton said...

I want to glow in the dark quarter...or the scratch and sniff dollar bill! I wonder what smell the would have it smell like? Strawberry? Or would they all be different smells?

8:37 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

Today's kids wouldn't want those coins... they aren't 90's kids- we're the glow-in-the-dark generation <3

9:32 PM

Anonymous Vlada said...

Creepy old pervert, or glow in the dark money? Personally I think both are weird. Why cant we just use digicash?

10:15 PM

Anonymous Joe M said...

The US needs glow in the dark coins.

10:58 AM

Anonymous Vanessa T. 1st Per. said...

I love glow in the dark.. I have glow in the dark stars all over my bedroom ceiling...
But I think the US needs to start using edible currency, such as chocolate coins! Yes, that's what kids want!

7:54 PM

Anonymous Spencer S. said...

Wait, I still don't understand? How does glow in the dark work again?

7:44 PM

Blogger Marbaloid said...

If we had glow in the dark coins, I'd think people would start saving their money more just to play with them! maybe.....I would.

8:54 PM


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