Thursday, May 03, 2012
About Me
- Name: Mr. Carlisle
- Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
Wow thats really crazy, and scary, and if it were to happen it would probably be the end of the human race (except in Africa) because the bombing would probably start a nuke war. Anyways I had a question how does the whole vaporization of a person work?
4:00 PM
At least Ellis Island will be somewhat safe :) yay history yay!-
4:22 PM
It's amazing that one weapon could be so damaging and that ten or so countries have the ability to make nuclear weapons. Whether it was the right decision to bomb Japan or not, I think the U.S. crossed a huge line in being the first to use a nuclear weapon which also makes it more difficult to be influential in stopping nuclear programs in other countries. But hopefully New York is safe for a while. . .
4:30 PM
It's fortunate that the likelihood of terrorists acquiring and deploying a 150 kt bomb in a major US city is very low. More likely such a bomb would be of a much smaller yield. However, 150 kt is child's play compared to the weapons in many country's arsenals. The Russian Satan missile for example carries 10 warheads, each with a yield of 750 kt.
7:40 PM
The chance would be almost nonexistent, Rood. But yes, if other countries sent in their nukes, New York City would not exist.
I don't think nuclear weapons could have been avoided. If the US didn't become the flagship of the "nuclear club", who would have been? Russia? Germany was already in the process...
I personally support dropping the bomb.
8:32 PM
I hope no one would be crazy enough to launch a nuke. The whole world's arsenal of nukes would probably be launched and the surviving humans would have to start living underground like moles.
9:08 PM
what helps me put the number of fatalities into perspective, is that NYC has the same poplulation as the entire state of Oregon (3million). in the end, only about 1,200,000 or so were left uninjured. woh
9:25 PM
Although the bomb described in the NY scenario was ten times more powerful than the one dropped in Hiroshima (150 kilotons vs. around 15 kilotons), it was still tiny compared to the bombs that were being developed at the height of the cold war. The most powerful bomb ever detonated was the Russian Czar bomb which was 50 megatons, or about 300 times as powerful as the NY example. Both the US and Russia had plans for 500 megatons, which if detonated, were rumored ro be powerful enough to move the earth out of its orbit enough to cause extinction level climate changes. Its a good thing we and the Russians abandoned these plans and never dropped the powerful bombs we had on eachother. The results would have been far worse than the effects in Japan, when the bombs were inefficient and not powerful when compared to the nukes we have today. I support the dropping of the bomb in Japan because it was a warning of what effect the bomb could have on actual people, a warning that would not be the same as dropping it in the middle of the desert. The killing of thousands of Japanese on those two days was a terrible tragedy, but I believe it may have held us back from deploying the big nukes later, which would have been hundreds of times worse.
10:02 PM
It's so disturbing to think how incredibly good the human race has gotten at killing each other. Hopefully the time and energy put into mechanisms that destroy cities will also someday be the same amount of energy put into helping countries not having reasons to set of nuclear weapons in the first place. I don't think any terrorists or anything would even touch New York City, especially after 9/11 because the U.S. would be expecting it. I think a nuclear target for the U.S. would be like the navy base in San Diego or something because of military advantages. Either way i hope no U.S. cities get nuked!
10:03 PM
The bigger it is the more people go meaning that there would be less people backing up the horrible retaliation.
4:04 PM
I wish that nuclear weapons or weapons of any sort weren't invented. I know that we need them in time of war, but weapons have destroyed so many people's lives. I am the type of person who would search for every possible solution to a problem before coming to the possibility of war.
6:29 PM
I'd say that dying from radiation sickness would be way worse than the flying debris... but it's hard to tell and i would hope it would never happen. Also, holy cow that would be a ton of people.
6:38 PM
If there's any chance of this happening it would probably be caused by a terrorists getting their hands on a Russian nuclear weapon/missile. Based on what I've read, there hundreds of them (from the cold war) in poorly guarded warehouses across the country (and by poor I mean a few security workers who aren't paid very well).
11:17 PM
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