Thursday, June 07, 2012


If you want to know more about why the Twin Towers fell on September 11, watch this film.


Anonymous Thomas W. 3rd period said...

Good video. It was very informative. Thanks.

4:30 PM

Anonymous jessica said...

yes this was a very good video.. will we learn about some of the crazy conspiracy theories on 9/11?

6:36 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


We will not learn about any crazy 9/11 conspiracies because they are indeed crazy and untrue.

6:54 PM

Blogger The Margaret said...

I hope I never live in a world where we have to construct our buildings in case of having a plane blown into them, however new architectural advances are necessary for the safety of workers and all- and you know, workers rights are pretty chill :)

7:43 PM

Anonymous jessica said...

good point sir. good point

7:57 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I will not address that event in class.

6:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willy Maddox
Yes, very informative as Thomas said, and also very interesting. Architecture sure has invaded over time.

9:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:15 AM

Anonymous Danielle Y. said...

Very informative. If you listen closely to the attacks, you can hear the floors collapsing one by one with a split second in-between each one. I liked how the actual engineers explained how it was built and why they did what they did (dry wall over concrete, etc.). I don't think anyone involved in making the towers should be blamed for the towers collapsing. It was sort of inevitable by that time.

10:55 AM

Blogger Aurora said...

I liked it. Any one notice the helicopter shot though? Why wasn't there rescue helicopters?

11:18 PM

Anonymous Max Redman said...

Aurora I thought your point was interesting so I did some research for you. The reason why helicopters were not used is that the approach would have been too dangerous for the helicopters. The air currents created by the massive fire would have made it impossible to hover. Another reason preventing helicopter use was that the huge amount of smoke would have made it a death sentence for anyone trying to operate on the roof.

2:52 PM

Blogger Harrison Le said...

Wow that is interesting. I've always wondered why they fell when the explosions were tens of stories high. I always imagined that the towers were incredibly sturdy and could have withstood an intense fire.
And I agree with Margaret. The cost of building all of our structures with plane attacks in mind would be incomprehensible.

9:33 PM

Anonymous Marilyn Wallenburn said...

Great movie night idea, curl up and watch some educational/interesting movies.

3:59 PM


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