Sunday, November 04, 2012

Weekend Update

I hope you feel refreshed from your extra hour of sleep this morning. Just wanted to remind you of a few things:

1. Regarding the homework reading, pay attention to the major events of Andrew Jackson's presidency: his war with the B.U.S., his showdown with South Carolina over tariffs, and of course his policies towards Native Americans

2. Part C is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. No exceptions. If it's late you will be docked 10 points a day. If you have questions or need help, please shoot me an email.

3. EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! Don't lose points for grammatical mistakes!! Don't forget to include your word count at the end of the section. Refer to your IA handbook and the hand out on sourcing if you're stuck. They will help a lot!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


Anonymous Bryna C. 4 said...

Thank you Mr. Carlisle!

11:46 AM

Anonymous Justin A. said...

Jackson got stuff done!

8:25 PM

Blogger Audrey said...

Would you like us to reprint the whole IA or only the Evaluation of Sources?

9:12 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Just Part C. Thanks.

6:20 AM


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