Monday, January 14, 2013

Should we arm Dr. Harris?

The only weapon I need is my withering stare. 

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What do you think? Should school personnel (e.g., custodians, principals, teachers) be armed? 


Anonymous Pedro C said...

Well I rather not have a teacher armed with a weapon and how will we keep those weapons from student access?

I'm also in her class right now:P

10:19 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Watch the video on your own time Pedro!

10:27 AM

Anonymous Ivy R. Block 1 said...

I don't think school personnel ought to be armed. Certainly, the idea is that, in arming school personnel, you are providing protection for students but I don't think this idea of "protection" is wise. To me, even the idea giving a "good guy" a gun so it will help counteract a "bad guy" with a gun is preposterous. I don't care who has the gun in their hands. Guns are very dangerous. I'm sure we can all agree on that. Besides, isn't it more important to get the gun out of the assailant's hands rather than to shoot at them and hope that you don't miss? Also, if I were a teacher or some other school personnel I don't think I'd want to use a gun. It's one thing to shoot a target and another to shoot a person. I think it makes sense to train teachers how to react to a assailant with a gun and (if possible) how to get the gun out of said assailant's hands, sure, but actually arming school personnel is going too far. Furthermore, I think it is really important to focus on the medical aspect of the issue. I think giving people with mental disorders or people who say, get really violent when they're drunk help and no access to weapons is a better solution. (Aw, man. I hadn't meant to launch into a full blown argument...Sorry...)

4:16 PM

Anonymous Justin A. said...

I think security, Gus the custodian, and the principle should be allowed to carry guns. Because they are the ones that walk around the campus more than any teachers.

6:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You want the crack THS security team armed??

6:45 PM

Anonymous Cameron Y said...

i think certain personnel in the school should be armed or be in reach of arms, for example Neff, Stace, Pete, maybe portable teachers since they are more vulnerable but i think that there should be weapons somewhere in the school that can only be used in extreme cases.

7:26 PM

Anonymous Daisy U said...

I really don't like this. People are doing this to prevent gun violence and protection. What is having guns in your school going to do? You have them near a child, it's like saying "Oh, it's okay, as a gun is here, it's fine." Guns aren't fine. The probably you have even having an attack at school I personally don't think is high enough to even have to arm teachers or custodians. I don't think it's sending a positive message, especially to young kids. People who are our age do, but a Elementary school student? I think it will just mold them and have a whole different view on them that we will not benifit from, I don't support this.

8:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Having guns around students shouldn't be allowed. Maybe having more security and protection to get into schools would be beneficial and more safe.

9:15 PM

Blogger JoGrassman said...

It depends on the staff receiving the weapon. It makes sense that the security and police officers in our schools should be armed just in case. Other than that, people such as teachers and custodians should not be armed. Anyone with a weapon could go crazy and become violent, so I think it's better to keep as few guns in the school as possible.

10:16 PM

Blogger Nicholas Jones said...

I feel like no one in the school should be able to have possession of a weapon within the school. That seems to me as fighting fire with fire. If we want to prevent that, then just increase security or something. The whole point is to make a safe environment and knowing there are guns accessible to people is not a safe feeling.

10:32 PM

Anonymous bryna c4 said...

I think some staff could have one, but it'll be hard to say who should. If the principle had one it'll be a bit pointless because if something happened and the kids were the ones who need protection, it just wouldn't be as convenient as it would be if a teacher had one. But if I teacher had one, it could make some students uncomfortable and their also might be some dumb kid who tries to steal it.

12:20 AM

Anonymous bryna c4 said...

By the way I love the link!!! Hahaha

12:21 AM

Anonymous Amy Krager said...

I think it makes more sense for teachers to learn to disarm gunmen than to carry weapons. But by arming our teachers/staff, that's starting to sound less like self-defense and more like unnecessary and preemptive violence. You can't really make a place more safe by adding dangerous weapons to it.

Also, how do you ensure that kids can't/won't have access to these guns? That part is probably the scariest.

4:19 PM

Anonymous Michael Roberts said...

Take a look at this video Carlisle. What do you think?

6:22 PM


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