It is incredible to see this perspective on the Westboro Church, as most of us have only seen them as distant villains and don't recognize that they're real people. It's disturbing and rather depressing, to me, that this group of people honestly believe that they're helping guide others to the 'path of righteousness.'
Though, on a lighter note, this is the house across the street from the WBC--
Cult- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. These people definitely fit the description of a cult the way they poison there children with hate and all. An the way they have devotion towards the hate of gays.
It bothers me so much that these people see almost everyone as sinners and that "god" wants certain people to be dead such as homosexuals and U.S. soldiers. They hate these people but in the bible, does it state that people following in "god's" footsteps should go out and preach how much "hate" he has for these "sinners"? Are these protest in front of other churches needed? These people seriously need Jesus. And one last thing. When I went to church I was never taught to hate. I was taught to love all because "god" loves all of his creations whether you are gay or a U.S. soldier fighting for this great country, you are loved by "god". And thats that.
I first heard about the Westboro Baptist Church when I was watching a podcast and they crashed When the hosts said what they did, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Watching this video is just appalling and very hard to watch. All of those people deserve to have something very horrible to them. Times like this is when people take advantage of their free speech and are what is wrong with the world.
This video was really disturbing to me. Not only because they're bigoted hate-mongerers, but for me, it's the attitude they hold about it. It's one thing to spew hate at a distant person or faceless concept, but for Jael to look the reporter in the eye and tell him that he deserves to be put to death, a punishment reserved for the worst of the worst crimes, because he doesn't oppose homosexuality, or for their leader to say that he would picket the reporter's funeral because he doesn't agree with them or join their church is mind-boggling. It's almost hard for me to believe that they are (or at least claim to be) so cold and disconnected that they can stare someone down and say that, either emotionless or joyfully. It's almost not human.
This video really shows the horrors that exist in this world. It's crazy to see how they manipulate the words of the bible into venom to be used on others who don't share the same views as them. Everything they said filled me with rage, yet I now believe that is their intention; to ignite anger and raise awareness of their cause. I wonder what would happen if no more news stories were publicized about them?
The westboro baptist church is a group of people who use their misinterpretations of the bible. I think that the bible is not something to take completely literally and word for word for a few reasons. One being that there are multiple different translations of the bible and some meaning may be lost in translation. Secondly, there are also aspects of the bible that we don't follow. Things such as "Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from which an offering by fire may be made to the Lord must be cut off from his people" (Leviticus 7:25)This says that people shouldn't eat the fat of an animal, but to many people, the fat on a steak is the best part! So where the bible says "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable" (Leviticus 18:20) shouldn't be taken literally, as times and languages have changed since the bible was written. And these literal interpretations of the bible are the root cause of this. And while the WBC can say what the want under the first amendment (freedom of speech for those of you not paying attention in class right now) they shouldn't be actively slandering gays. #TeamScrewWBC
These people make me sick to be a part of any religion that interprets and proclaims the Bible. Who gives them the authority or right to judge others in this way? God definitely wouldn't approve of their actions even if they were true. What's really sad to me is that the kids say they know no other way of life or perspective so they will never understand what harm and wrongs they are causing. At least some realized and left that messed up group. Also if a little girl came to me and proclaimed how God's destruction is coming I would be a little freaked out.
While watching this video, I felt absolutely disgusted. I know that they believe that what they're doing, and they can't see any other views, but it is appalling. They remind me very much of a cult, and should be treated as one. The most disturbing part of the whole video was when the woman told the reporter that he deserved the death penalty, TO HIS FACE!
I am speechless after watching this video. I understand that some of them have only ever known this way of thinking and that they believe that what they are doing is right, but for them to call everyone a sinner who doesn't believe what they do is wrong, and to say that people who don't go against gay marriage should have the death penalty is disturbing. Also it is so disrespectful for them to go to US soldiers funerals and protest. I admire the people who realize this way of thinking isn't for them and that they are willing to leave their families to get away from it.
I'm very shocked that people believe in these kinds of things. Bryan brings up an interesting point in that nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate. It's appalling that these people can be proud of these beliefs. Classic case of abusing the right to free speech
I liked seeing the people of Westboro Baptist Church, how they live, and who they were outside of their protesting. I'm appalled at how overboard they go, all the time and effort they put into protesting, every day!! I definitely think that by protesting with these signs up, they are judging others, and it is not their place to do so. If God wants to judge homosexuals, let Him do it, and don't try to interpret certain things as His way of condemning homosexuals. John 3:16, the most famous Bible verse says "For God so loved the world" it DOES NOT SAY For God so loved the world except for homosexuals.
The view that the people of the Westboro Church hold is very disturbing to me! They are misusing the Bible and changing it to support their own beliefs. They are taking things from the Bible and twisting the true meaning of its context. Not only that, but the way that they are portraying their message is very absurd. Their signs don't make sense, and all they do is invoke anger in those who see them. Plus, out of all of the years that they have been doing this, I can't even believe that they gained the support of even a few people. It makes me really sad, because it is not like their methods are truely working! All they are doing is spreading hatred everywhere they bring their signs.In a way I feel bad for the kids that are raised in this environment, because they are taught to believe what parents are teaching them is right. This just seems altogether wrong!
There are many things that disturbed me about what the Westboro Church is doing. They are basically putting everyone other than themselves at fault and under the wrath of God. They express that no one other than themselves are prepared for God's coming and are ready to receive His glory. The Westboro church is taking the words of the Bible and transforming it to their own beliefs. What the Westboro church is doing is not what God had intended people to do.
It's not really fair for them to say this isn't their opinion and that they're just preaching God's word when not every Christian church preaches this. Religion should be practiced respectfully and you should be considerate of others, there is no need to voice your opinion in negatives way. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean you need to always voice it.
I'm going to be completely honest and say that this was incredibly hard for me to watch . I was so angry and upset at the members of this church and their skewed vision of society. In one word the westboro baptist church members are narcissists. They have twisted the bible to condemn every person except themselves. Whatever bible they read, it must be a hell of a lot different than mine because mine taught love and kindness towards all people. Perhaps the worst thing about these people is how they are bringing their children up to believe in hatred and teaching them foul language and actions. No child deserves to be raised that way and I am certainly glad that so many of them chose to leave the church before they were brainwashed into this so called "religion" of hate.
Members of the WBC are enablers because they buy and use goods made by companies that don't do anything about homosexuals. I'm going to file a formal complaint to get the comments with the scripture taken down because this is a school related site and I'm just kidding
I feel the way these people represent religion as a whole is completely wrong. They believe that by publicly condemning people for their own life decisions is the way to show God's love. The Bible says "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:6) and forgave us for our sins. By the Westboro Church saying that God hates gays and soldiers they are directly contradicting the thing they "believe" in so much. They are incredibly contradictory and hypocritical. If we want to continue quoting the Bible it says "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1John 4:8)So I would go as far to argue that the WBC members do not understand the true meaning of God's love. As an end note, when Steve (the member of the church we met first) meets his gay marriage supporting neighbors he doesn't give them the time of day. By his body language we can tell that he is not interested in meeting them at all. Mark 12:15 says "The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these." If Steve really cared about and 'loved' people like he says he does then he would have shown an interest in having relationship with his neighbors.
I'm surprised that these people can live with themselves knowing how many people hate them for what they do. I believe that the Westboro church is teaching the opposite of what they should be doing by directing hate to certain groups of people instead of being kind to all. It sickens me how these people think that they are the most ideal people in the world.
I have nothing against those who want to believe their own religion or interprete the bible whatever way they want. But when those people try to force their beliefs on others and tell others they are wrong and will go to hell or should die for it, it more than crosses the line. The way Westboro protests also bothers me. Outside soldiers funerals, other church's, and public places with signs attacking people and using hurtful language. They claim to be fighting for what Jesus has told them, but half of the things that their signs say aren't even in the bible. I have a very hard time seeing where the members of this church are coming from.
Honestly they have the right to their own religion. But I think they are very vile cynical and they need to "grow some". As a christian I see that they are representing the bible incorrectly and to the extreme. Yes God say that homosexuality is bad and an abomination. He is not saying that the people are these but he is saying that the practice is an abomination. This is quite disturbing, The fact is that they are hypocrites themselves. One red flag was that of the glee tee shirt. At this type of extreme the are just picking at others weaknesses and not seeing that they are hypocrites themselves. The shirt symboliozes so much more then them it is showing their mindset how it is jaded. The woman with the glee tee shirt said in some sorts that she could not listen to tv, music, pop culture. If she was such a vehmently powerful believe she would tune out and not induldge in such activities. Have you seen the youtube comments lately??? That alone goes against what she is saying and she still watches all of the vile things that she is protesting about. This shows the hypocrisy of this church and how they are ignorant and oblvious to WHAT they are PORTRAYING. For example, they say Lady Gaga is a whore of demonic. However they choose to listen to music not only by contemporary pop artist that aspire to her level. Doesn't that void out all of their concessions about music? They are not showing that they are truly what they are. Even says in the bible that God hates people who are lukewarm, not either hot nor cold, like this they are judging people for wood chips in their eyes when they fail to realize the plank in their eyes.
In the bible they never say fag. They choose to say that, if God really condoned that word of such vulgar and offensive connotation then he would have published it himself. They stray away from the word and they confuse the others in the world. They are disrespecting the most honorable days of a human, their burial. The bible also says honor the ones around you, but are they doing that? Many people would say no. They say that they are following the bible completely or near completely but what are they doing they are defiling other people giving them more grief.
If they hate America so much. God please help them live in Antarctica where they can hate the penguins.
My other point is what they say about premarital sex. This is a huge "blurred line"? The way they said it in a humanistic point of view is that because I am somewhat clean and had premarital sex means that God has cleansed me afterwards. God condemns the gays, the gay enablers, the pedofiles to no repentance? Obviously they are wrong. They said the gays don't have repentance? In Acts 17:30-31 it say God gave all men proof to believe, thus stating that all men can turn away from their evil deeds and sin. These people are oppressing the wrong people. They say they are without sin, when they are judging other when they can just have time to be improving their own faith.
How could they picket in front of an brothered church. Methodist and Baptist share very similar points of view. Any theologist would agree. It makes no sense what so ever that they are wasting their time when people don't want to listen. They are just making people cry more and live less.
I am a Christian
I am a Christian that goes to a church that teaches that that this type of marriage is not condoned and God says that. However these people in the church of westboro are radicalist that need to read the bible more and not think so provincially because in the bible it specifically says there is opportunity for repentance of ALL Sin and ALL people can turn from this sin. I believe in the bible to every word, but they are too blinded to see the counterpoints and the true gospel of the bible. They are just a couple of heretics of the Christian religion that need to read the bible more meticulously.
They need to grow up and see their own faith and protest to themselves how judgmental when they can't even see themselves.
People should be sentenced to the death penalty for just being supportive of homosexuality? Gays don't love each other because that's not how God defined love? These are some of the most absurd thoughts I've ever heard. These people literally disgust me at points but I guess there isn't much you can do about someone else's opinion.
Daniel- thank you. You put to paper exactly what I have been thinking, yet unable to write for days. I think it's important for people to realize that WBC does not represent Christianity as a whole, or even at all. This is a twisted form of Christianity that most Christians do not wish to be associated with. P.S. I have been ranting in the mirror, too.
This topic is very personal to me because I have a lot of family that died in the military but I hate this but they have a right to say what they want about anyone because they're protected under the first amendment.
I'm a native South Carolinian and I attained my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of South Carolina. I taught fourth grade for two years in the Mississippi Delta and two years at an alternative high school in Western North Carolina. I have been at Tigard High School since the fall of 2003, where I teach U.S. History and Psychology.
It is incredible to see this perspective on the Westboro Church, as most of us have only seen them as distant villains and don't recognize that they're real people. It's disturbing and rather depressing, to me, that this group of people honestly believe that they're helping guide others to the 'path of righteousness.'
Though, on a lighter note, this is the house across the street from the WBC--
3:39 PM
Cult- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. These people definitely fit the description of a cult the way they poison there children with hate and all. An the way they have devotion towards the hate of gays.
3:43 PM
It bothers me so much that these people see almost everyone as sinners and that "god" wants certain people to be dead such as homosexuals and U.S. soldiers. They hate these people but in the bible, does it state that people following in "god's" footsteps should go out and preach how much "hate" he has for these "sinners"? Are these protest in front of other churches needed? These people seriously need Jesus. And one last thing. When I went to church I was never taught to hate. I was taught to love all because "god" loves all of his creations whether you are gay or a U.S. soldier fighting for this great country, you are loved by "god". And thats that.
4:44 PM
I first heard about the Westboro Baptist Church when I was watching a podcast and they crashed When the hosts said what they did, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Watching this video is just appalling and very hard to watch. All of those people deserve to have something very horrible to them. Times like this is when people take advantage of their free speech and are what is wrong with the world.
5:01 PM
This video was really disturbing to me. Not only because they're bigoted hate-mongerers, but for me, it's the attitude they hold about it. It's one thing to spew hate at a distant person or faceless concept, but for Jael to look the reporter in the eye and tell him that he deserves to be put to death, a punishment reserved for the worst of the worst crimes, because he doesn't oppose homosexuality, or for their leader to say that he would picket the reporter's funeral because he doesn't agree with them or join their church is mind-boggling. It's almost hard for me to believe that they are (or at least claim to be) so cold and disconnected that they can stare someone down and say that, either emotionless or joyfully. It's almost not human.
5:02 PM
This video really shows the horrors that exist in this world. It's crazy to see how they manipulate the words of the bible into venom to be used on others who don't share the same views as them. Everything they said filled me with rage, yet I now believe that is their intention; to ignite anger and raise awareness of their cause. I wonder what would happen if no more news stories were publicized about them?
5:34 PM
The westboro baptist church is a group of people who use their misinterpretations of the bible. I think that the bible is not something to take completely literally and word for word for a few reasons. One being that there are multiple different translations of the bible and some meaning may be lost in translation. Secondly, there are also aspects of the bible that we don't follow. Things such as "Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from which an offering by fire may be made to the Lord must be cut off from his people" (Leviticus 7:25)This says that people shouldn't eat the fat of an animal, but to many people, the fat on a steak is the best part! So where the bible says "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable" (Leviticus 18:20) shouldn't be taken literally, as times and languages have changed since the bible was written. And these literal interpretations of the bible are the root cause of this. And while the WBC can say what the want under the first amendment (freedom of speech for those of you not paying attention in class right now) they shouldn't be actively slandering gays. #TeamScrewWBC
5:46 PM
These people make me sick to be a part of any religion that interprets and proclaims the Bible. Who gives them the authority or right to judge others in this way? God definitely wouldn't approve of their actions even if they were true. What's really sad to me is that the kids say they know no other way of life or perspective so they will never understand what harm and wrongs they are causing. At least some realized and left that messed up group. Also if a little girl came to me and proclaimed how God's destruction is coming I would be a little freaked out.
5:51 PM
While watching this video, I felt absolutely disgusted. I know that they believe that what they're doing, and they can't see any other views, but it is appalling. They remind me very much of a cult, and should be treated as one. The most disturbing part of the whole video was when the woman told the reporter that he deserved the death penalty, TO HIS FACE!
6:49 PM
I am speechless after watching this video. I understand that some of them have only ever known this way of thinking and that they believe that what they are doing is right, but for them to call everyone a sinner who doesn't believe what they do is wrong, and to say that people who don't go against gay marriage should have the death penalty is disturbing. Also it is so disrespectful for them to go to US soldiers funerals and protest. I admire the people who realize this way of thinking isn't for them and that they are willing to leave their families to get away from it.
7:51 PM
I'm very shocked that people believe in these kinds of things. Bryan brings up an interesting point in that nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate. It's appalling that these people can be proud of these beliefs. Classic case of abusing the right to free speech
7:57 PM
I liked seeing the people of Westboro Baptist Church, how they live, and who they were outside of their protesting. I'm appalled at how overboard they go, all the time and effort they put into protesting, every day!! I definitely think that by protesting with these signs up, they are judging others, and it is not their place to do so. If God wants to judge homosexuals, let Him do it, and don't try to interpret certain things as His way of condemning homosexuals. John 3:16, the most famous Bible verse says "For God so loved the world" it DOES NOT SAY For God so loved the world except for homosexuals.
8:00 PM
The view that the people of the Westboro Church hold is very disturbing to me! They are misusing the Bible and changing it to support their own beliefs. They are taking things from the Bible and twisting the true meaning of its context. Not only that, but the way that they are portraying their message is very absurd. Their signs don't make sense, and all they do is invoke anger in those who see them. Plus, out of all of the years that they have been doing this, I can't even believe that they gained the support of even a few people. It makes me really sad, because it is not like their methods are truely working! All they are doing is spreading hatred everywhere they bring their signs.In a way I feel bad for the kids that are raised in this environment, because they are taught to believe what parents are teaching them is right. This just seems altogether wrong!
8:01 PM
There are many things that disturbed me about what the Westboro Church is doing. They are basically putting everyone other than themselves at fault and under the wrath of God. They express that no one other than themselves are prepared for God's coming and are ready to receive His glory. The Westboro church is taking the words of the Bible and transforming it to their own beliefs. What the Westboro church is doing is not what God had intended people to do.
8:12 PM
It's not really fair for them to say this isn't their opinion and that they're just preaching God's word when not every Christian church preaches this. Religion should be practiced respectfully and you should be considerate of others, there is no need to voice your opinion in negatives way. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean you need to always voice it.
9:00 PM
I'm going to be completely honest and say that this was incredibly hard for me to watch . I was so angry and upset at the members of this church and their skewed vision of society. In one word the westboro baptist church members are narcissists. They have twisted the bible to condemn every person except themselves. Whatever bible they read, it must be a hell of a lot different than mine because mine taught love and kindness towards all people. Perhaps the worst thing about these people is how they are bringing their children up to believe in hatred and teaching them foul language and actions. No child deserves to be raised that way and I am certainly glad that so many of them chose to leave the church before they were brainwashed into this so called "religion" of hate.
9:02 PM
Members of the WBC are enablers because they buy and use goods made by companies that don't do anything about homosexuals. I'm going to file a formal complaint to get the comments with the scripture taken down because this is a school related site and I'm just kidding
9:53 PM
I feel the way these people represent religion as a whole is completely wrong. They believe that by publicly condemning people for their own life decisions is the way to show God's love. The Bible says "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:6) and forgave us for our sins. By the Westboro Church saying that God hates gays and soldiers they are directly contradicting the thing they "believe" in so much. They are incredibly contradictory and hypocritical. If we want to continue quoting the Bible it says "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1John 4:8)So I would go as far to argue that the WBC members do not understand the true meaning of God's love. As an end note, when Steve (the member of the church we met first) meets his gay marriage supporting neighbors he doesn't give them the time of day. By his body language we can tell that he is not interested in meeting them at all. Mark 12:15 says "The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these." If Steve really cared about and 'loved' people like he says he does then he would have shown an interest in having relationship with his neighbors.
9:58 PM
I'm surprised that these people can live with themselves knowing how many people hate them for what they do. I believe that the Westboro church is teaching the opposite of what they should be doing by directing hate to certain groups of people instead of being kind to all. It sickens me how these people think that they are the most ideal people in the world.
10:09 PM
I have nothing against those who want to believe their own religion or interprete the bible whatever way they want. But when those people try to force their beliefs on others and tell others they are wrong and will go to hell or should die for it, it more than crosses the line. The way Westboro protests also bothers me. Outside soldiers funerals, other church's, and public places with signs attacking people and using hurtful language. They claim to be fighting for what Jesus has told them, but half of the things that their signs say aren't even in the bible. I have a very hard time seeing where the members of this church are coming from.
11:26 PM
Honestly they have the right to their own religion. But I think they are very vile cynical and they need to "grow some". As a christian I see that they are representing the bible incorrectly and to the extreme. Yes God say that homosexuality is bad and an abomination. He is not saying that the people are these but he is saying that the practice is an abomination. This is quite disturbing, The fact is that they are hypocrites themselves. One red flag was that of the glee tee shirt. At this type of extreme the are just picking at others weaknesses and not seeing that they are hypocrites themselves. The shirt symboliozes so much more then them it is showing their mindset how it is jaded. The woman with the glee tee shirt said in some sorts that she could not listen to tv, music, pop culture. If she was such a vehmently powerful believe she would tune out and not induldge in such activities. Have you seen the youtube comments lately??? That alone goes against what she is saying and she still watches all of the vile things that she is protesting about. This shows the hypocrisy of this church and how they are ignorant and oblvious to WHAT they are PORTRAYING. For example, they say Lady Gaga is a whore of demonic. However they choose to listen to music not only by contemporary pop artist that aspire to her level. Doesn't that void out all of their concessions about music? They are not showing that they are truly what they are. Even says in the bible that God hates people who are lukewarm, not either hot nor cold, like this they are judging people for wood chips in their eyes when they fail to realize the plank in their eyes.
In the bible they never say fag. They choose to say that, if God really condoned that word of such vulgar and offensive connotation then he would have published it himself. They stray away from the word and they confuse the others in the world. They are disrespecting the most honorable days of a human, their burial. The bible also says honor the ones around you, but are they doing that? Many people would say no. They say that they are following the bible completely or near completely but what are they doing they are defiling other people giving them more grief.
If they hate America so much. God please help them live in Antarctica where they can hate the penguins.
My other point is what they say about premarital sex. This is a huge "blurred line"? The way they said it in a humanistic point of view is that because I am somewhat clean and had premarital sex means that God has cleansed me afterwards. God condemns the gays, the gay enablers, the pedofiles to no repentance? Obviously they are wrong. They said the gays don't have repentance? In Acts 17:30-31 it say God gave all men proof to believe, thus stating that all men can turn away from their evil deeds and sin. These people are oppressing the wrong people. They say they are without sin, when they are judging other when they can just have time to be improving their own faith.
How could they picket in front of an brothered church. Methodist and Baptist share very similar points of view. Any theologist would agree. It makes no sense what so ever that they are wasting their time when people don't want to listen. They are just making people cry more and live less.
I am a Christian
I am a Christian that goes to a church that teaches that that this type of marriage is not condoned and God says that. However these people in the church of westboro are radicalist that need to read the bible more and not think so provincially because in the bible it specifically says there is opportunity for repentance of ALL Sin and ALL people can turn from this sin. I believe in the bible to every word, but they are too blinded to see the counterpoints and the true gospel of the bible. They are just a couple of heretics of the Christian religion that need to read the bible more meticulously.
They need to grow up and see their own faith and protest to themselves how judgmental when they can't even see themselves.
11:47 PM
in the mirror. (continuation)
11:48 PM
People should be sentenced to the death penalty for just being supportive of homosexuality? Gays don't love each other because that's not how God defined love? These are some of the most absurd thoughts I've ever heard. These people literally disgust me at points but I guess there isn't much you can do about someone else's opinion.
8:28 PM
Daniel- thank you. You put to paper exactly what I have been thinking, yet unable to write for days. I think it's important for people to realize that WBC does not represent Christianity as a whole, or even at all. This is a twisted form of Christianity that most Christians do not wish to be associated with.
P.S. I have been ranting in the mirror, too.
9:10 PM
I don't know what to say, But i do have one Question. What will happen when Fred Phelps dies?
9:11 PM
This topic is very personal to me because I have a lot of family that died in the military but I hate this but they have a right to say what they want about anyone because they're protected under the first amendment.
9:20 AM
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