Monday, January 20, 2014

Below you can view one of the many reasons why we have today off from school:


Anonymous Austin C. 1AB said...

Still one of the greatest speeches in United States history.

6:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

That was amazing. I can not believe I was able to say the last part in his speech!

6:44 PM

Anonymous Austin L 1AB said...

It's a shame to see how long it took Americans to give blacks equal rights after their emancipation. This speech was one of the defining movements in US History that helped pave the way for equality for all people.

9:19 PM

Anonymous Lexia S. 1AB said...

I cannot even imagine being an African American during the time when the thirteenth amendment was passed. They were finally announced free, however were not truly free for a long time after that.

10:31 PM

Anonymous Kaitlyn S. 1AB said...

This is one of the most influential and inspiring speeches! It makes me wonder how life could have been different if he had not given this speech.

10:35 PM

Anonymous Kathryn G 4AB said...

Such a moving and inspirational speech... MLK is one of the greatest speakers I think has ever martyred a cause.

6:49 AM

Anonymous Dylan M. P. 1 said...

This is one of the most recognizable speeches in American culture and for good reason. It is moving and inspirational. Also it helped fix one of the biggest problems that existed with our nation.

10:32 PM


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