Friday, January 24, 2014


Looking for a cool project over your three day weekend? Look no further. This of course begs the following question: Why can't you be this cool?


Anonymous Kathryn G 4AB said...

#IhavetwoXchromosomes #femaleproblems #thestruggle

4:40 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You should consult a doctor immediately.

7:59 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Haha thats cool but I'm to lazy. Impressive though.

8:49 PM

Anonymous Kela A. 1AB said...

That's actually really impressive! I like the Barack Obama one the best.

9:07 AM

Anonymous Ethan T. 1AB said...

I feel like something is missing from the Barack Obama one though.

11:54 AM

Anonymous Devin D 4AB said...

...I wish I was that cool..

10:15 PM

Anonymous daniel kab said...

Bro, it's harder to be Daniel every day.... #Brogetonmylevel

10:44 PM

Anonymous Daniel kab said...


10:45 PM


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