Monday, February 10, 2014


It's time to get back it. IB students, we will wrap up the unit by Wednesday. Test is Thursday.

Honors students, I hope you read the textbook carefully regarding the Revolutionary War. Expect something to pop up tomorrow. 

I really hope you don't have this reaction about going back to school tomorrow. Ciao. 


Anonymous rebecca r 4AB said...

Carlisle, since we were supposed to bring our textbooks to class on Friday should we bring them to class tomorrow? or nah

6:51 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

No books needed. Still mapping the rest of the unit out due to the snow days. Expect a lot of homework. One more thing, aren't you in third period?

7:13 PM

Anonymous becca said...

Oh. Yeah. I was testing you. Thanks Carlizzle

7:23 PM

Anonymous daniel k ab said...

Lizzle do we have to read the shine Booker shine if we werent assigned it because we didnt have class?

10:12 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


6:30 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

chyaaa. Carlisle is king!

10:19 AM

Blogger Sinan Raja said...

i like her

6:16 PM


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