It's time to get back it. IB students, we will wrap up the unit by Wednesday. Test is Thursday.
Honors students, I hope you read the textbook carefully regarding the Revolutionary War. Expect something to pop up tomorrow.
I really hope you don't have this reaction about going back to school tomorrow. Ciao.
Carlisle, since we were supposed to bring our textbooks to class on Friday should we bring them to class tomorrow? or nah
6:51 PM
No books needed. Still mapping the rest of the unit out due to the snow days. Expect a lot of homework. One more thing, aren't you in third period?
7:13 PM
Oh. Yeah. I was testing you. Thanks Carlizzle
7:23 PM
Lizzle do we have to read the shine Booker shine if we werent assigned it because we didnt have class?
10:12 PM
6:30 AM
chyaaa. Carlisle is king!
10:19 AM
i like her
6:16 PM
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