Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Assassination of Jesse James (Trailer)

I really love all of the comments about Pocahantas. As we all know, Hollywood loves to make movies out of history. The question is this, does the movie version of history align itself with "real" history?

I am looking forward to this movie.


Blogger vikki said...

are we going to touch on some of the events about this movie?

5:31 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I will definitely discuss some of the events that Jesse James took part in. He was a terrorist and a cold-blooded killer in the Civil War. He did some very, very nasty things during the war. I am curious if the movie will touch on some of those events from his life. Stay tuned.

5:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I've never even heard of Jesse James. I'd kind of like to cover him in class before I see the movie though so that I can see "real" history before I see how WB portrays it. Looks like a good movie though.

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. His kids didn't know his name or why they moved so much around? Is that true? It would be a really strange thing if it is.

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, I hope that turns out to be a good "cinematic adventure". How was 3:10 to Yuma? Does that have any historical backing?

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can't say I've heard of Jesse James either, but I just wiki-ed him. It looks interesting, though. I'm curious as to how Robert Ford is a coward.

8:05 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

I can't believe y'all haven't heard of Jesse James?!? I'm sure your textbook doesn't even mention him. As I stated previously, he was a cold-blooded killer who died an inglorious death at the ends of Robert Ford, one of his former gang members.

I hope it's good.

8:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello mr. carlisle. sorry but i will not be at school today because i have a bad migraine...the video of jesse james was interesting and i am looking forward to learning more about him i guess.

7:37 AM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Big today in class. Sorry to hear about your migraine. I hope you feel better. Important set of notes today, make sure you get them from someone in either second or third period. Unfortunately you will be missing Roots today. It's awesome!! Hope to see you tomorrow. Make sure you read tonight if you can.

7:42 AM

Blogger Matthew Ryan Humphrey said...


I have heard of the escapades of Jessie James, but I don't know the specifics of his doings. This movie looks very cool!

Period 3

8:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks like a good movie.

Perhaps I sense a fieldtrip in the making...?

10:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I had never heard of Jesse James it looks really interesting though and I definaltey would want to learn more about him and the events that took place.

9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I had never heard of Jesse James it looks really interesting though and I definaltey would want to learn more about him and the events that took place.

9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This movie looks pretty interesting. I would really like to see it if we discussed him in class. Two questions, do you know if they have a set date for it to come out? And why do they call Robert Ford a coward at the very end?


7:15 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Robert Ford is referred to as a coward because of the way in which he kills Jesse James. Hope I didn't ruin the movie for you, but JJ dies in the end. Ah history. I think the movie will be here in a few weeks.

8:13 PM


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