September 10
Adv. US History
Settling the New World
collect forms
discuss reading quizzes
share top ten historical events and collect
notes: Imperial Conflicts and Rival Colonial Models
coin exercise--begin thinking like historians
ERCA survey (if time)
read from the text-- 48-56
Psychology (10-11)
Goals of Psych and 5 Major approaches to Psych
return forms
values walk
notes: goals of Psych and 5 major approaches
Social Psych TQ
visit class website
Finally got around to coming here... I really dig history, and I hope to learn a lot, I find it helps strengthen my political knowledge.
Oh, and Steven Colbert is the bomb, his satire and extreme sarcasm is great...
But I would have to say, I'm a bigger fan of the Daily Show, Jon allows his guest to talk a bit more without interruption, and I get more from it.
Both are great.
5:31 PM
You never came by after school today to take your quiz. What gives? If you want to get some points I better see you in my room before first period.
5:50 PM
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