Monday, October 15, 2007


Psych students:

Here's a great link about police line-ups:

Please post your comments below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does make some sense. Most people try to get the easy one behind bars, and the kind of lineups that have been used before, with the fillers that looked nothing like the description, would be a perfect way to do it. Some of the new ways to do it didn't make a whole lot of sense.

5:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhh...I think it's just me being stupid but in my opinion a few of the suspects/fillers match the description...I didn't get any of those I don't get how it's a biased lineup...

8:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never realized how the line-ups are biased, and when I found that out via the website, I was shocked by how the other 'suspects' are deliberately different so the witnesses will easily choose the defendent. Really interesting, and kind of pathetic how easily we are influenced.

4:56 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Photo line-ups can be very misleading if done incorrectly. The video you will see next week will touch on this. Have a great long weekend!

Oh, keep up the excellent work. You are one of my top students.

5:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant beieve how obvious those were. Whats the point of even putting up the other peoples pictures if they arent even close to the description. I always thought that line-ups had people that could match the description to make sure the wittness knows what they saw. Thats just kind of dumb that they make it so obvious to make them pick the right one.

5:56 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


That's part of the experiment. Own-race bias, poor questioning by cops, and improper line-ups can be bad things when it comes to someone's memory. Good comment.

6:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first lineup that showed was... really obvious. The description said long hair- there was only one person with long hair in the lineup!!

Extremely biased if you ask me.

The second one they showed wasn't as bad but... they said collar-length hair and there were only two people that could fit that description.. The rest had short hair.

If they had the people look more similar to the description- it may be a bit more fair. Sad how innocent people get convicted due to poorly done lineups.

11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lineups seem unfair and pointless when only one of the pictures match the descriptions.

7:47 PM

Blogger Mathias said...

Yeah i think its pretty stupid that they just use pick innocent people to use as fillers for the line up. and then they sometimes get accused of something their not guilty of, and yet, they don't even fit the description. The rest of it was a lot of reading, and i got kinda lost in it all. hmm. I knew line-ups and eyewittnes accounts were tottaly accurate, but i didnt really think it was that bad.

9:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really interesting stuff about how biased and obvious the lineups can be. When I read the description I thought there would probably be at least 4 of 6 guys that could have had braids but, wow, it was a lot more obvious. Sorry I missed class monday I had a dentist appt.

6:10 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


No worries. We really missed your energy in class today. Your test is still Wednesday. Stop by tomorrow if you need any help with the essays.

6:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its pointless to have a six person line up if only one or two of the pictures fit the description. Also, I think these kinds of photo lineups can send innocent people to jail; if the eyewitness is being asked to pick which person is the offender, they are going to pick the one that matches the description, and if they are only given one that matches, they are probably going to pick that person.

5:14 PM

Blogger Ryan F. said...

I think it's really lame how many ways they can alter evidence. Even when they do it in obvious ways nobody does anything to stop it. I understand that people want criminals to go to jail but you should not put innocent people in jail because of a thirst to put the guilty in jail.

8:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else, the photo linups were dumb and there was only one person that matched each discription. There were some people there that weren't even close to the discription. Photo line-ups can be totally biased, whick is not a good thing.

9:06 PM


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