Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15

Adv. US History
Social Reform Movements of the mid-1800s

notes: Individualism
IMC for group research

read pp. 358-59; 362-64


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wooo!! this debate is lookin good!!

5:16 PM

Blogger Matthew Ryan Humphrey said...

Carlisle. I don't mean to brag, but our group (aka - New Harmony) got down to business today. Our presentation is going to be gooood.


5:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dirty media is totally distracting people from a very realistic canidate, John Edwards and other canidates... Clinton this! Obama that! Bleh Bleh Bleh, there are other Democratic candidates too, look into it yourself and don't just go with what the media tells you...

(Not directed at you Sarah, just reminded me of a rant I had)

6:24 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Duly noted. Good job. My heart is already racing with anticipation...

6:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad I'm too young to run for president. I'm most certain that I'd win. America needs someone young and fresh. Carlisle do you want our Part A thing typed?

6:43 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...



6:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle, do our question in our Part A thing, count as words towards our total word count?

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that "yes" go towards the thing needing to be typed or just saying that I'd win presidency? You usually don't answer my questions on here so I have to clarify. Yea I said it. What you gonna do? Put me on notice?

7:05 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Type it.


What you're turning in merely is a rough draft. I will give you feedback and if you need to, make changes before submitting your final IA.

7:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Edwards is a fool!! I can't stand listening to him!!
It's all about Joe Biden!! :) lol
Haha I agree though Kyle it is alll about Clinton and Obama. It's crazzzy. Everything is directed to them.
I liked the lady who worked at the casino and Obama some how knew she was in the union and thanked her? And how it took her 200 years to say her question..hahah
And the girl who asked "pearls or diamonds" .. WOW. lol

7:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle I agree with you about the media focusing solely on Obama and Hillary. However, I think that even if the media gave equal recognition (ha) to all the candidates from the start, the two front-runners would remain the same because of the extreme loyalty some people have to the two of them. Although I do think that the gap between Obama and Edwards would diminish slightly.

8:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle with my plan of investigation...i had lost my bibliography and i couldn't remember the sources i had used...i didn't have a library card at the time the bibliography was due so i couldn't check out the books. I went not long ago and the books aren't due for at least another week, so my plan of investigation will have some sources from the library isn't my final plan of investigation and it will be better after you see it tomorrow.

8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and the "pearls or diamonds?" question was ridiculous. That idiot just set the women's movement back 50 years with that question.

I'm ashamed.

8:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How embarrassing.
I am not going to lie, I am ashamed of a lot of the women in our country...haha.
I didn't hear her question so i literaly rewinded the TV and listened and my mouth droppeed hahha

8:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, ok ok, say what you want Sarah. Biden eh? I could dig it... Perhaps I'll look more into Joseph Jr.

I do like Obama though, in the words of Joe Biden, "you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, ... I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Nicole, is much of some people's extreme loyalty not caused by the hype of the media in the first place? A name they know and remember?

There is also the fact that Hilary is a woman and Barrack is African American, I suppose that leads to a blind following, just like people blindly supporting a political party without getting los hechos...

9:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well also Bill Clinton's name recognition has a lot to do with it, despite the current media coverage on Hillary now...people who liked Bill like Hillary, because they are essentially the same candidate. She has her ex-President husband giving her a boost in the polls. As far as Obama, I think he does seem to have that likability factor that, while I agree is hyped by the press, also comes across whenever he speaks, regardless of how much he happens to say. And, unfortunately, some people do back him solely for his ethnicity, just as people do for Hillary. "I want a woman President", they say, regardless of their political beliefs.

9:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I found this one-liner pretty amusing:

Blitzer: "Why did you vote against the Patriot Act?"

Kucinich: "Because I read it."

9:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indubitably Nicole, though Clinton had his follies I think he was good president. (At the time I was to young to know, but from hindsight, he was a good pres) But something about Hillary just peeves me... (and it's not that she's a woman)

Obama does have does have that likability factor, maybe he's set as long as he doesn't get up in someone's grill or go "YEAAAHHH"

Check out this quote!

"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th." - Our good C&C G.W.B.

9:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Kucinich one liner was AMAZZZINNG
I also liked when Edwards copied Bidens little bit about how America doesn't really care about the debate and how they are all worried about their basica struggles and worries i life..which was a good piece to sound real..then Edwards goes and tries to take cred and ruins it.

SO much of the Obama - Clinton hype is exactly because they are the first really big people from their race/sex to be considered the leadeind Dem. candidates
Which is kind of cool thought because besides getting Bush would be an awesome piece of history that we would live through and be voting on!!

Anyone else notice that Richardsons go-to quote is "I DID IT." In his mind he has done and said all there is to do in the political world and in our gov't. hahaha

9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Main thing, Bush OUT (which is kinda the law of the land, unless he pulls a fascist)... But then I think the Reps/neocons could use a break from the Casa Blanco anyways if you know what I mean.

To tired to respond to the rest of your comment Sarah. Oh and I can't vote for the '08 pres... Can you?

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeaaaah by a couple of days!! I am pretty stoked about it!!

And totally there with ya, just typing up my IA to print off. So tired. lol

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just by a couple days? Nice nice...

4:15 PM


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