Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29--Spring Semester Begins!!

Adv. US History
Rise of Industrial America

new seating chart
return/discuss Unit 6 exams
notes: Industrial Capitalism Triumphant
4 groups--readings from the Industrial Era

Dee Brown reading: pp. 100-17
Psychology (29-30)
Goals/Approaches of Psychology

class overview
lots of handouts and information on the class
what is Psychology?

parent signatures


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha i'm the first comment. Looking forward the Freudian unit

-Frank Z

4:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Carlisle,
My name is Devin Mohr, I don't believe we've met. I'll be in your class this next semester, and I'll be getting an A.
OH, and sitting in front, it's like an Imax experience. HD CARLISLE! It's crazy.
Nice pores....

4:44 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You guys are seriously giving me a complex about my skin. I've never been told my skin is wack. Wait until you get to your early 30s after spending a lot of time outdoors.

I am looking very forward to the A. However it's put up or shut up time now.

4:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wuddup Carlisle!? haha this is going to be interesting....
Sarah Abell
4th Period
A day

4:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright... it looks like i've somewhat figured out how to comment, it's frustrating, anyhow I look forward to a semester of psychology.

P.S. you talked about dreams in-class and how they are hard to hold on to, well it would be my pleasure to tell you that I have found a way to retain dreams as memory for a longer duration of time. It is possibly by replaying the dream three or four times until it is imprinted in your memory. The downside of this is that the key moments of the dream will be retained for days but the details will likely be forgotten within roughly 7-12 hours.

5:34 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I would love you to share your dream information when we get to Freud.

5:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Freud was a dirty old man.

On a history note, are we going to be responsible for knowing all these guys who were associated with the C.P. and U.P.? The reading mentioned a lot and I didn't process it all.

6:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Don't sweat the names of the heads of the UP and the CP. The video I am going to show you will go a little more into detail. I just wanted you to get the just of the craziness associated with the construction of the RR. It's still odd thinking of you in third period.

7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss 2nd period.
Stupid German! >:(

7:37 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

They miss you. It's weird not seeing you right behind Andrea.

Here's my German: Das Boot

7:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who sits behind her now?
Who sits in my old seat?

8:00 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Queen Charlotte,

I have no idea, I'm not a robot. I can't remember where everyone's new seats are. Okay, I'm going to veg on the couch and eat a doughnut now. Hmmmmmmmm, Boston Creme doughnut...

8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Carlisle,
I really look forward to this semester. Social Psych seems to be a interesting unit!

9:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the brilliant one who put me next to Nicole, talking about shutting up is going to be difficult. And charlotte,
We don't speak about that class, it's taboo.
Which means we may have to shun you.
Like the Amish.
Wouldn't want that now...

and one last note,
I totally complemented your pores.

9:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I walked into class and was standing there and talking to someone and then I go "where's charlotte?" and I looked around and realized that you were in GERMAN and I was mad.

9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Nicole, glad that you noticed I was gone...

10:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wudup carl. it would be cool if i could call you carl.

-nick mcmullen

11:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris of course I noticed you were gone. I said something about you being gone. It's just that since Charlotte was on the blog, I thought I would say something to her.

2:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle this is Jacob Lemieux in your 4B class, really looking forward to psychology i have been trying to get in since freshman year.

7:15 AM


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