Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31

Adv. US History
Rise of Industrial America

notes: The Great Race
finish video
begin homework reading

Sprague reading--ALL
Psychology (31; Feb. 1)
Goals and Approaches to Psychology

seating chart/get books--4A
forms with parent signatures
preview Unit 1
discuss the goals of Psychology
group activity-approaches to Psychology

review approaches


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the fate of our reading quiz scores lie in 3rd period's quizzes from today. So what's the verdict?

3:28 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


The verdict is in and RQs are still worth 10 points. However, they are barely staying 10 points. If I see a high failure rate in your class, then the same fate will befall both classes. I still don't think enough people are reading.

3:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlisle, I swear I read last night, although my answer to the quiz did not reflect that. But as you know, packets are my worst enemy for reading quizzes.

6:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max and I agree with Charlotte.

6:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a 0. Did you guys?
That part of the reading wasn't a very large part, I don't think. That's what I hate about packets...there are SO many things discussed, and then you ask for something that only has one answer and was only a paragraph or two in the reading.

6:26 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Devinax and Charlotte,

Sorry but reading packets are here to stay. It's the nature of the IB History beast.

6:27 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Here's the deal, I am not going to make every person happy with the questions I choose to ask. I thought that was a fairly big event that took place during the construction of the RR. I know some of the readings can be dry, however, you(members of both classes) need to get better at pulling concepts out of the reading. Once again, wait until you see what some of your college profs have you reading.

I really don't like discussing student grades on the blog. If you or anyone else would like to discuss their quiz grade, then I would advise them to do it in person. Charlotte you are an incredibly strong student and I do not believe this grade will cause your over all grade serious harm.

6:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, I know you're right. It just sucks. I like the good ole textbook.

(and to counter your point about college readings...although I'm sure we'll have to read really dry things, professors don't give reading quizzes)

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlotte, stop picking fights with teachers.

6:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole, don't be hatin.

6:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not hatin. How's third period?

6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not as fun.

6:54 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I know you're frustrated but I feel extremely confident that you will bounce back.

You're exactly right about the lack of reading quizzes in college. If every person in my classes was the caliber of student as you are then I wouldn't have to administer reading quizzes.

But they're not. Reading is essential to this class. I know you know that, so I will spare you the lecture about reading. You have a text book reading this weekend.

One more thing, I know you are deeply committed to academic excellence, and I love that! But in the grand scheme of things, this quiz is not going to hurt your grade. Remember you had over 1200 points last semester. This is barely a blip. It's the people that chronically fail the reading quizzes that worry me.

We're going to have a graded discussion tomorrow that will help your grade.

6:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okie dokie, thanks Carlisle. Sorry for complaining. I've been super stressed this whole week!

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Carlisle, did you hear about the second Kenyan opposition lawmaker who was shot today?

7:01 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


I hope everything is alright. I hope whatever the stress is that it's not too serious. Let me know if there's anything I can do.


I can't believe how crazy Kenya is right now. It's not normally a violent country with this much political bloodshed.

7:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO Big C,
I'm thinkin' we need to have a chat about this club I have mentioned...
My officers (Michelle Chesney and Cailtyn Bese) and I have some fab. ideas ad we're getting the club "form" tomorrow, it is basically a GO.
SO our only problem adivsor.
Caro, McKee and Nelky were obvious first choices but seeing as the already are super committed and busy, you were my choice!!
I think this is a great way for you to get involved with the school, get that Human Rights award eh!?

7:11 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Wow, fourth choice! Thanks! I want to hear details. My biggest fear with a club is that stuff will fall on my shoulders. Clubs should be STUDENT driven. I've actually forgotten what the club's mission is going to be. Let's talk tomorrow.

7:14 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

Oh, I like not having a Human Rights Award. It helps with my street cred...

7:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carlisle,

So this whole 2nd and 3rd period thing is kinda funny, but do you think it is the people in the classes, or the time of day? I thought it would change a little now that we have a few second period people in our class... but it seems the same. what do you think?

7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, you must understand that Chris, Charlotte, Joel, and Alexa are only raindrops falling into a sea of mundane and lackluster history performance... So really, how can they make all the difference?

7:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I have unjustly described my old Comrades... So here is an amendment.

Chris, Charlotte, Joel, and Alexa are only raindrops of vigor and grand intellect falling into a sea of mundane and lackluster history performance...

7:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being compared to a raindrop sucks... Katie, there isn't much of a difference in my opinion because we've talked about so far, railroads and global warming. I know I didn't talk much today, but that's because I don't feel that I need to reword what everyone else is saying about how global warming really exists. To me, it's like getting participation for using other people's ideas.

7:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I definitely forgot a comma that is very necessary. "[...] difference, in my opinion, [...]" my apologies. I might need to use a hyphen or something, I don't know how it should be properly punctuated. But then again, I don't care what punctuation I need to use. I'm not in English anymore!

7:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im too lazy to respond to that on here, i'll talk to you guys on aim =)

7:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH well you were first pick, bu the other ladies had some different ideas!
No no no, I agree, it is a STUDENT club. We just need someone to call our "advisor" and basically all ya gotta do is let us use your room for meetings! I'm pretty sure..but yes.
We shall chat tomorrow.
You are the last cool teacher we can think of that we WANT to advise us...

7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comrade, my would you void my metaphorical masterpiece? I am disappointed...

Perhaps "buckets of mighty, majestic knowledge and supreme intellect" would suit you better. But still, you are inundated in a bland, drab, monotonous, and vapid sea...

7:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're right, Kenya is absolutely insane. I'm shocked at what's been going on lately...politics aren't supposed to be like this. Life itself isn't supposed to be like this at all. This is becoming the Kenyan Civil War if there hasn't been one already. And each day the last chances at peace are destroyed.

8:01 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Let's talk in the am.

Chris and Katie,

Honestly I'm really tired of the whole second period, third period debate. I know I am guilty of adding fuel to the fire sometimes, but I really wish it would die.

I the main difference between the two classes boils down to personality. They are some different personalities in both classes. Second period's personality is a little more talkative and energetic. Your class is more mellow and subdued. There's nothing wrong with either class's personality. It's just different is all.

Can we all let this debate die please? R.I.P.

8:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im on here very late for some reason but i have to say that kyle just makes poety with his words. Awesome comment(s) man!

1:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

EEKs! sorry this took so long. I don't have interenet access at home, so that kind of got in the way with being sick and all last week. Oh and I told shannon that she should come to class, whish might be today! :]
-Brittany Miller

10:31 AM


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