Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lynching of James Byrd, Jr.

Here's more information on the lynching in Texas that I described in class today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's horrible that someone would do that
although that actually isn't this first time i've heard about somone being dragged behind a car
there was some lady who got dragged behind a car but i don't remember really anything about it-
and people also have dragged their dogs behind cars
it's all sad

3:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe Bush didn't go to the rally to show his support! Even if he really doesn't care about black people (as Kanye West put it), he should have at least done it for his image.

Did they just murder him because he was black? It didn't say that he was accused of any crimes or anything.

4:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm probably the only one who will say this, but I liked that lynching reading, things were very graphic but it was intresting to see how big of a deal these rituals were to people. The part that got me was that children got out of school to go watch them, like they were fesivals or something.

Like some people said in class,its sad how sometimes its not looked at more closely in schools.

4:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its so scary that things like that happened in our lifetime..to think that while i was like in second grade coloring pictures this was going on is so disturbing.

5:24 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


From what I know about this event it was simply because he was black. Senseless violence.

5:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it really interesting and scary how the KKK still kept some followers until the current generation- That is really frightening.
I also find it interesting that the murderers were in their early 20's and 30's- At first, I thought they would be about the same age as Byrd.

6:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it disgust me that we still have people who believe in white supremacy......i dont get how in a humans soul can someone decapatate another human.........its sick and it makes me very mad..........im really close to throwing a fit

o by the way, that video of the golfer reporter lady is plain stupid......i cant believe she said that.....she must've been desparate to get attention

6:46 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

John and Emily,

I agree with both of your statements about the stupidity of this senseless act of violence.

7:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...i'm really surprised at the ages. Can't believe this was just about 10 years ago...

10:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is this article saying that poverty is the source of hate crimes? Isn't there rich, white, racist people aswell?

10:01 AM


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