Thursday, April 17, 2008


Stanford Prison Experiment information.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. C, this subject is SO messed up. It is so disturbing. I was reading an article from the site you gave and Zimbardo stated that the guards were making the men "simulate sodomy on each other". That is SO twisted. It also stated that the guards were chosen because of their good mental health and positive values. It just baffles me how things can turn so ugly so fast, it is so shameful.

I wonder if other ethnicities would do the same thing. Like if it were performed in a different country, would their morals increase or decrease the likelihood of sickening things occurring..?

5:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with rachael, its really disturbing. its crazy to think that "normal" people can change so quickly and become someone totally different.

5:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not in your psychology class, but that experiment is really interesting.
Its obviously disturbing and wasn't conducted very well, but the results were amazing. Also the reference to the time when a prisoner was kept in solitary confinement for an inhumane amount of time was interesting. Solitary confinement seems like a horrible kind of psychological torture, not something used as regular punishment.
I've been hearing a lot about prisons creating criminals rather than rehabilitating them lately.
I can't help but think that someday we might have a system similar to A Clockwork Orange.

6:29 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


You mean all this time I thought you were in my Psych class?!?! Seriously, great comment. I think you have a great point about the corrosive nature of prisons. Great comment

9:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All people need to become messed up is the mirrored sunglasses

10:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice comment.

11:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incredibly disturbing. I thought it was crazy how eventually, the prisoners would accept this treatment (in a way) and get "annoyed" with other prisoners who attempted to rebel- considering that this experiment only lasted like 6 days, the results of it were pretty surprising.

But the question that I have would probably be: Do REAL prisoners deserve such treatment? Like really horrible criminals?

I'd probably say, to a CERTAIN EXTENT- Yes.
That probably makes me sound very inhumane, insensitive and cold, but it IS prison..and let's face it- in other countries (i.e. communist ones, etc.) don't treat their prisoners humanely. Not saying that we as the US should sink down to that level..

I wouldn't go as far as to condone Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, etc.

Yeah okay, I sound really heartless XD

10:32 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Ouch! Wasn't expecting a response like that from you. No need for rehabilitation huh? So someone who is busted for drugs or a property crime deserves to be terrorized in prison?

10:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

its so unnerving to know that people have such a lack of control on themselves to be able to do this to another is just sickening. to know that sure we have developed things into the future but haven't evolved for the future. to see another man as equal.

6:44 PM


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