Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adv. US History

Westward Expansion

groups will present notes on their Native American tribes
return old work
participation evaluation (4th period)
essay prep/Frontier House



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey carlisle. I feel bad about what happened today in class. dont know what to say. But are we still responsible for the 6 tribes in terms of ID's on tommorow test?

3:20 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...

You are responsible for the tribes that were presented. Nothing less and nothing more.

3:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya. Sorry about class... I don't know what was wrong with us today...

7:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know what happened today, no one really wanted to be the one that spoke for everyone when you kept asking if we were good to move on, that and the fact that we were trying to retain and write down all the info on the overhead. I'm sure most people were stressed and exhausted but we should have just gotten over it, didn't expect what happened though. Hope it doesn't happen again or this will turn into a long last semester.

8:58 PM

Blogger Mr. Carlisle said...


Thanks for your comment. I'm going to change how group work is done for next semester.

10:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the problem with our class is that the group presentations don't require the rest of the class to be totally engaged. The fact it was finals week only made it worse.

10:22 PM


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